ComboBox input value can't search dropdown options value

Posted by: pyoh on 25 April 2024, 11:47 am EST

  • Posted 25 April 2024, 11:47 am EST - Updated 25 April 2024, 11:53 am EST

    My Problem is same as title.

    my comboBox code like below:

    const options = =>
        Number.isInteger(+_option.value) ? +_option.value : _option.value
    const comboBoxCell = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.ComboBox();
    sheet.getRange(-1, colIndex, -1, 1).cellType(comboBoxCell);
    const validator = getComboBoxValidator(options);
    sheet.setDataValidator(-1, colIndex, -1, 1, validator);

    if options list [“aa”, “bb”, “cc”, “dd”] and type to input “a”, I want to highlight “aa” option in dropdown options list

    but, highlight appear when type exactly same word in above case I typed “aa” and then “aa” option hightlighted.

    I saw other sample, there is no specific different code between my code. but that example works as I wish.

    what is the problem?

  • Posted 29 April 2024, 12:03 am EST


    We are still investigating the issue at our end. We will let you know about our findings as soon as possible.



  • Posted 29 April 2024, 8:36 pm EST


    As per my understanding, you’re interested in having options in a combo box based on input values.

    Currently, this feature isn’t supported, but it’s achievable. You can implement a searchable Combobox by using Custom Cell Type. When the cell is in display mode, you can draw; when the cell is in editing mode, you can design the editor; and you can manage mouse and keyboard interaction with the CellType itself. You can rewrite a wide range of characteristics and functions to obtain specific cells that meet your needs.

    In order to build AutoComplete in JavaScript SpreadSheet, you can refer to the following blog:

    You may also use the example below: sjs-autocomplete2 (1).zip

    And you can also refer to this forum link related to this:


    Custom Cell Type Demo:

    Cell Types Base Class:



  • Posted 27 May 2024, 3:55 pm EST

    Hi, kushwaha

    I’m using SpreadJS v17 with React now.

    I found a example working as my expected

    above example’s using vanilla js library. it is different with react version of spreadjs?

  • Posted 28 May 2024, 3:44 pm EST


    SpreadJS is independent of frameworks, meaning if something works in vanilla JavaScript, it will also work in different frameworks or libraries like React. So, you can use this example in React as well.

    Additionally, please create separate tickets for different queries to avoid any confusion, as this query is different from the initial query in this ticket.



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