Format only parts of a block of text

Posted by: eulrich on 17 April 2024, 1:53 am EST

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    Posted 17 April 2024, 1:53 am EST

    Hi -

    We would like the ability to format (bold, add color, underline, etc.) only parts of text within a cell. This is possible in Excel, but it seems in SJS the default is that the entirety of the text in a cell gets the formatting. For example, in excel we could show “This is test data”, but in SJS the entire text would get bolded and italicized.


  • Posted 17 April 2024, 3:48 pm EST


    You could achieve the same in the SpreadJS using the Rich Text. Kindly refer to the following demo on the Rich Text:

    Let me know if you face any issues. You could also refer to the following docs on Rich Text:

    The docs also involve the points that should be taken care of while working with rich text in a cell like SpreadJS does not support rich text formatting in the editing mode.



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