Non-breaking special chars are converted to normal ones during Excel import

Posted by: pavloboiko on 9 May 2024, 9:58 pm EST

  • Posted 9 May 2024, 9:58 pm EST

    I’ve tried to import Excel file to the Designer and all the non-breaking spaces turned into normal ones

  • Posted 12 May 2024, 9:29 pm EST - Updated 12 May 2024, 9:34 pm EST


    Based on my understanding, you’ve used a non-breaking space special character in cells B1 and C1 in last. When importing the Excel file, selecting these cells and entering edit mode for the first time displays the special character. However, upon 2nd attempt, the special character does not appear. Please refer to the attached GIF “Steps” for clarification.


    Could you kindly verify if you are referring to this behavior? However, I’ve escalated this matter, and the internal tracking ID assigned is “SJS-24204”. I’ll keep you updated as soon as I receive any further information.



  • Posted 23 May 2024, 10:47 pm EST

    Hi there,

    Yes, this is exactly the behaviour I was talking about.

    Is there any update on that topic?

  • Posted 23 May 2024, 11:18 pm EST


    The developers have indicated that if you want to keep “123” as a string, you should simply type '123 (the ’ is the quote prefix feature to ensure all input is treated as a string).

    Additionally, the developers would like to understand your specific use case. Could you please elaborate and provide more details about your exact use case?



  • Posted 26 May 2024, 4:43 pm EST


    My question has nothing to do with numbers and their representation as string. Numbers there are just an example of a content (anything could be there). The only thing that breaks our logic is that non-breaking spaces cannot be imported into SpreadJS with ExcelIO tool (it comes with “nbsp” converted to plain spaces). Also it doesn’t help if I add the ’ to a cell with non-breaking space.

  • Posted 27 May 2024, 6:13 pm EST


    After using the quote prefix, I noticed that non-breaking spaces (nbsp) persist after importing an Excel file in SpreadJS and exporting. Please refer to the attached gif “Steps.gif” and Excel file “Book1.xlsx”.


    If this does not meet your requirements, could you please provide more details about the exact use case and how you are attempting to achieve it? This will allow us to share the information with the development team for further process.



  • Posted 27 May 2024, 8:51 pm EST - Updated 27 May 2024, 8:56 pm EST

    Actually, after importing the Excel file in the Attachments you’ve sent - all those spaces appear as plain spaces and not as non-breaking ones

  • Posted 28 May 2024, 10:46 pm EST


    The development team has requested more details about your exact use case/business logic so that they can better understand and assist you accordingly. So could you please provide more information about your exact use case and how you are attempting to achieve it?



  • Posted 29 May 2024, 7:25 pm EST

    Sure, on our project, we basically have a custom toolbar and a rich text edit modal. When editing a cell we want to have an ability to insert non-breaking space. It will be used to avoid breaking a word combination that should always stay together. Also it’s very important for us that those special non-breaking spaces can be safely carried over to Excel and imported back.

  • Posted 30 May 2024, 11:09 pm EST


    I have shared this information with the developer on the same escalated case and will update you as soon as I receive any information.



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