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How to fix an 'Invalid License Key' error in JavaScript


Common reasons users encounter this Invalid License Key error, with a black screen is due to version mismatch between either the major version of the key or the referenced SpreadJS release files. Another reason could be that the license key is being deployed to a different domain name than it was generated for.

Steps to Complete:

1. Check the version of your key and release files referenced

2. Check the domain

Getting Started:

Step 1: Check the version of your key and release files referenced

SpreadJS’s keys are version specific so both the key and the release files being referenced must be the same version. If you are seeing this error while upgrading a project, check to ensure that all of the release file are using the same number version and that the major version matches your keys

For example: Using SpreadJS’s gc.spread.sheets.all.13.1.1 with a SpreadJS V12 license key would result with this error

Step 2: Check the domain

SpreadJS’s licensing process has the customer generate a Distribution License Key that lists each domain name that the customer would like to use SpreadJS on. This error is seen when SpreadJS is deployed on a domain name that the key being set was not generated to license.

 At the begin of each license key you will see the list of domain names that the key was generated for. SpreadJS must be deployed to that exact name.

 This distribution scenario shows five hostnames that would all require their own hostname deployment license.






 To test what domain to use when generating your license use the browsers console of the domain you want to display to and get the value of the window.location.hostname.

For Example: If Google were to license SpreadJS they would generate their distribution license key for the domain :

If the information shared here does not help find a solution to this issue for you, please share the following back with GrapeCity’s support engineer:

  • Screenshot of their SpreadJS release files that are referenced

  • A screenshot of the value of window.location.hostname in the consoles of the browser where they are seeing this error

  • The domain they would like to deploy to

  • The key they are trying to use to license their application

  • What version of SpreadJS are you trying to use?


Mackenzie Albitz