ComponentOne FileExplorer for ASP.NET Web Forms
Explore Features / Manage Visual Elements
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    Manage Visual Elements
    In This Topic

    You can select the visual elements to display or to hide in the FileExplorer. See Visual Elements for further information on the elements of the FileExplorer.

    In the Designer

    1. Select the Click the smart tag  to open the FileExplorer Tasks Menu.
    2. In the File Explorer Tasks Menu, select or deselect the controls as per your choice.
      The controls that can be seen or hidden are:
      • ToolBar: Displays or hides the ToolBar.
      • AddressBox: Displays or hide the AddressBox.
      • TreeView: Displays or hides the Folder Tree.
      • Grid: Displays or hides the Grid button.
      • ListView: Displays or hides the ListView button.

    In Source View

    Set the VisibleControls property in the <cc1:C1FileExplorer>  tag to manage the control visibility.

    <cc1:C1FileExplorer ID="C1FileExplorer1"  runat="server" ViewPaths="Example" VisibleControls="Toolbar, AddressBox, TreeView, Grid">