ComponentOne Slider for ASP.NET WebForms
Elements / Thumb Buttons
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    Thumb Buttons
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    The C1Slider control includes two thumb buttons. The first main thumb button and a second thumb button used for selecting a value range. By default the first thumb button is visible and the second is not visible. The value of the thumb button is defined by the C1Slider.Value property. If you have two thumb buttons, the value of both is determined by the C1Slider.Values property.

    The main thumb button of the C1Slider control can be moved on the slider track through a drag-and-drop operation or by pressing the Increment and Decrement buttons. The second thumb button can also be moved by a drag-and-drop operation, but cannot be moved by clicking the Increment and Decrement buttons as these buttons only effect the C1Slider.Value property.

    By default, if noC1Slider.Value has been set, the main slider thumb will appear on the slider track next to the decrement button at run time - the left side of the control if C1Slider.Orientation is set to Horizontal and the top of the control if C1Slider.Orientation is set to Vertical:

    The second slider thumb appears at the opposite end of the slider track by default - the right side of the control if C1Slider.Orientation is set to Horizontal and the bottom of the control if C1Slider.Orientation is set to Vertical.

    See Also