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Features / Formulas / Dynamic Array Formulas
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    Dynamic Array Formulas
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    Dynamic Array Formulas are the formulas which return multiple values (in an array) to a range of cells on a worksheet. The neighboring cells are hence populated with the results (calculated data) based on a single formula entered in one cell. This behavior is called 'Spilling' and the range in which the results appear is called a 'Spill Range'. The spill range operator (#) can be used to reference the entire spill range.

    DsExcel supports using dynamic array formulas in worksheets by using the IRange.setFormula2 method which allows you to define dynamic array formula in a worksheet. It also lets you specify a formula without automatically adding the intersection operator (@). To enable use of the dynamic array formulas, you need to specify formula of IRange object through the setFormula2 method.

    Note: In the v5.0 release, the setAllowDynamicArray method is obsolete. The method can currently be used along with IRange.setFormula method to support compatibility with v4.2 version. However, we recommend using the new setFormula2 method as the setAllowDynamicArray method might be removed in future.

    You can also use CalcError enumeration which specifies the type of calculation error:

    The below dynamic array functions are added in DsExcel:

    Function Category Description
    FILTER Lookup and reference Filters a range of data based on the defined criteria
    RANDARRAY Math and trigonometry Returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1
    SEQUENCE Math and trigonometry Generates a list of sequential numbers in an array, such as 1, 2, 3, 4
    SINGLE Lookup and reference Returns a single value using logic known as implicit intersection
    SORT Lookup and reference Sorts the contents of a range or array
    SORTBY Lookup and reference Sorts the contents of a range or array based on the values in a corresponding range or array
    UNIQUE Lookup and reference Returns a list of unique values in a list or range 

    Refer to the following example code to enable dynamic array formula and use FILTER function by specifying a criteria.

    Copy Code
    //create a new workbook
    Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
    IWorksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
    sheet.getRange("A1").setValue("The FILTER function filters a range or array based on criteria you specify. Syntax: FILTER(array,include,[if_empty])");
    sheet.getRange("B3:E19").setValue(new Object[][] { 
        { "Region", "Sales Rep", "Product", "Units" },
        { "East", "Tom", "Apple", 6380 }, 
        { "West", "Fred", "Grape", 5619 }, 
        { "North ", "Amy", "Pear", 4565 },
        { "South", "Sal", "Banana", 5323 }, 
        { "East", "Fritz", "Apple", 4394 },
        { "West", "Sravan", "Grape", 7195 }, 
        { "North ", "Xi", "Pear", 5231 },
        { "South", "Hector", "Banana", 2427 }, 
        { "East", "Tom", "Banana", 4213 },
        { "West", "Fred", "Pear", 3239 }, 
        { "North ", "Amy", "Grape", 6420 }, 
        { "South", "Sal", "Apple", 1310 },
        { "East", "Fritz", "Banana", 6274 }, 
        { "West", "Sravan", "Pear", 4894 },
        { "North ", "Xi", "Grape", 7580 }, 
        { "South", "Hector", "Apple", 9814 } 
    sheet.getRange("G3:L4").setValue(new Object[][] { { "Criterion", "", "Product", "Units", "", "Total:" }, { 5000, null, null, null, null, null } });
    //save to an excel file"FilterFunction.xlsx");

    The below image shows the output of above code where Filter function is applied in cell I4.

    Dynamic Array formula Filter Function