ActiveReports 14 .NET Edition
ActiveReports 14 User Guide / How To / Page Report/RDL Report How To / Common Tasks / Freeze Rows and Columns (RDL Report)
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    Freeze Rows and Columns (RDL Report)
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    When you use a Table or a Tablix data region containing a large amount of data in an RDL report, the user must scroll to see all of the data. On scrolling the column or row headers out of sight, the data becomes difficult to understand.

    Note: The Frozen rows and columns feature is only available with RDL Reports.

    To alleviate this problem, we have added GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.Table.FrozenRows and GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.Table.FrozenColumns properties to the Table and Tablix data regions. The properties take effect in the JSViewer in Galley mode, and allow you to freeze headers so that they remain visible while scrolling through the data region. You can freeze as many rows or columns as you have headers in the data region.

    Here is an RDL report with a Tablix data region displayed in the JSViewer in Galley mode.

    An RDL report with a Tablix data region

    An RDL report with a Tablix data region

    When you scroll to view more rows and columns of data, the row and column headers scroll out of view, like this.

    Scrolling without freezing rows and columns

    Scrolling without freezing rows and columns

    When you set FrozenColumns = 3 and FrozenRows = 2, the three row headers and two column headers float when the user scrolls through the data, like this.

    Scrolling with frozen rows and columns

    Scrolling with frozen rows and columns

    If any header cells that you want to freeze are merged, you should not set the FrozenRows or FrozenColumns property to a value that would split a merged cell. For example, in the image above, there is an empty merged cell at the top left corner. This cell prevents you from setting FrozenRows to a value less than 2, because it would split the merged cell. The same cell also prevents you from setting FrozenColumns to a value less than 3, because that would also split the merged cell.

    See Also
