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A Container is used for grouping and organizing report items.

Adding a Container

To include a Container in your report, you can either double-click the corresponding item within the toolbox or use the drag-and-drop method to place it into a report page area or another container, such as a Banded List Section. Once the Container is incorporated into your report, you can subsequently place other items within this container for a structured layout and organization.

General Container Configuration

The general configuration includes Base Report Item properties, Common Style Properties, and Visibility.

In addition to standard border properties, you can also set a Rounding Radius for each corner of the container.


  • The Keep together flag ensures that all contents of the container are maintained on the same page, provided they fit within the page's constraints. This property is not applicable for pageless reports, as this layout type does not utilize traditional page breaks.

  • The ConsumeWhiteSpace flag determines whether to eliminate unused white space caused by hidden items within the report. When set to True, this property allows remaining visible items to utilize the freed space, resulting in a more compact report layout.

  • The PageBreak property controls where page breaks occur in relation to the container when the report is rendered. This property is not applicable for pageless reports, as this layout type does not utilize traditional page breaks. The PageBreak property accepts the following values:

    • None: No page breaks are inserted before or after the container.

    • Start: A page break is inserted before the container.

    • End: A page break is inserted after the container.

    • StartAndEnd: Page breaks are inserted both before and after the container.

  • The CanGrow property determines if a Container can expand its size to accommodate increasing content. This property is relevant only for Pageless reports. If you aim to create a scrollable container, setting this property to False will achieve that.

  • The Overflow property, applicable to Pageless reports and containers with CanGrow set to False, determines the arrangement of growing content. It has two settings:

    • Hidden – the expanding content gets clipped

    • Auto – the container displays a scrollbar to accommodate the increasing content.


The Link To Child property specifies the name of the Container's child report item that will serve as the target for the container's entity within the generated report map.