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Table Of Contents

A Table of Contents acts as an interactive map for the report output, presenting the locations of various report items or data groupings. Each entry in the Table of Contents is composed of:

  • The Label of the referenced item

  • A fill character, typically a ., displayed between the label and the page number

  • The Page Number - the specific page where the referenced report item or group is situated


To be included in the Table of Contents, a report item or group requires a Label that is not blank. Furthermore, TextBox report items feature a Heading Level property that determines their position in the hierarchy within the Table of Contents. If such a TextBox is integrated into the Table of Contents, its Value is shown instead of its Label if the Label is empty.

The arrangement of group instances and report items form a multi-level document map. You can customize the appearance of each level, as detailed in the Levels section below.

The Source property, found within the Document Map section of the report properties, specifies the items to be included in the Table of Contents. Here are the available choices:

  • Labels - Incorporates report items with a Label that is not blank

  • Headings - Includes TextBoxes that have a Heading Level

  • All - Combines both Labels and Headings

  • None - Leaves the Table of Contents empty

Adding a Table of Contents

To include a Table of Contents in your report, you can either double-click the corresponding item within the toolbox or use the drag-and-drop method to place it into a report page area, such as a Banded List Section.

General configuration of Table of Contents

The general configuration includes Base Report Item properties, Common Style Properties, and Visibility.


The design interface for the Table of Contents provides a way to set up the Levels collection:


You can add a new level using the Add Item button, remove a level with the Delete button located on the right, and select a level to view and modify its properties in the Property inspector. For each level, you're able to modify the appearance of the text in the Text section, choose the Fill Character, and control the visibility of the Fill Character and the Page Number in the Table of Contents' items.


  • The Page Break property of the Table of Contents specifies where the page break should occur:

    • None - No page break is created

    • Start - A page break is created before the Table of Contents

    • End - A page break is created after the Table of Contents

    • StartAndEnd - Page breaks are created both before and after the Table of Contents

  • The Max Level property denotes the highest number of levels that can be displayed in the Table of Contents.