ActiveReports 18 .NET Edition
Developers / Working with Reports / Section Report / Bind a Section Report to Data / Bind Data Set and Unbound Data to Section Report at Run Time
In This Topic
    Bind Data Set and Unbound Data to Section Report at Run Time
    In This Topic

    A Section report allows to specify a data set and unbound data, using a similar API. You need to just specify DataSet/DataTable/DataView/DataRowCollection/DataRow[] or IList as shown in the DataSource property. For DataSet, you should specify it as shown in the DataMember property.

    In addition, a Section report allows to use any unbound data as a data source with the following script logic:

    To use the IEnumerable data source

    1. Right-click the design surface and select View Code.
    2. Add the following code inside the class declaration of the report:
      Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report.
      Copy Code
      Private datasource1 As IEnumerator(Of String) = Nothing 
      Dim list As List(Of String)= Nothing
      Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report.
      Copy Code
      Private Function GetIEnumerableData() As IEnumerable(Of String)    
          For i As Integer = 1 To 10
             list.Add(String.Format("TestData_{0}", i.ToString()))       
          Return list
      End Function
      C# code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report.
      Copy Code
      private IEnumerator<string> datasource = null;
      C# code. Paste inside the class declaration of the report.
      Copy Code
      private IEnumerable<string> GetIEnumerableData()
          for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
              yield return string.Format("TestData_{0}", i.ToString());
    3. On the design surface, right-click the gray area around the design surface to select the report and select Properties.
    4. In the Properties window that appears, click the Events icon to view the available events for the report.
    5. Double-click the DataInitialize event. This creates an event-handling method for the report's DataInitialize event.
    6. Add the following code to the handler to add fields to the report's Fields collection.
      Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the DataInitialize event.
      Copy Code
      Me.list = New List(Of String)
      datasource1 = GetIEnumerableData().GetEnumerator()
      C# code. Paste inside the DataInitialize event.
      Copy Code
      datasource = GetIEnumerableData().GetEnumerator();
    7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to open the events list in the property window.
    8. Double-click the FetchData event. This creates an event-handling method for the report's FetchData event.
    9. Add code to the handler to retrieve information to populate the report fields.
      Visual Basic.NET code. Paste inside the FetchData event.
      Copy Code
      If datasource1.MoveNext() Then     Me.Fields("TestField").Value = datasource1.Current     eArgs.EOF = FalseElse     eArgs.EOF = TrueEnd If
      C# code. Paste inside the FetchData event.
      Copy Code
      if (datasource.MoveNext())
          this.Fields["TestField"].Value = datasource.Current;
          eArgs.EOF = false;
          eArgs.EOF = true;
    Tip: In order to view the added data at run time, add controls to your report and assign their DataField property to the name of the fields you added in code while creating a field collection.