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Drag Drop Rows Between Two C1FlexGrids

Drag-drop operations between two sources are very common. Silverlight suite from ComponentOne provides a pretty useful class C1DragDropManager which makes the drag/drop pretty easy to handle. You can easily configure the class and instantly add the drag/drop feature to you application. Lets see how you can enable Drag/drop operation between two C1FlexGrid controls in Silverlight**. The 'Row' object used by C1FlexGrid is not a native UIElement, so we need to register the border elements used by C1FlexGrid in cells as 'drag source'. This is done in a custom CellFactory** class. See the code below:-

public class DragDropCellFactory : CellFactory  
    private C1DragDropManager _ddm;  
    public DragDropCellFactory(C1DragDropManager ddm)  
      _ddm = ddm;  

    public override void CreateCellContent(C1FlexGrid grid, Border bdr, CellRange rng)  
      base.CreateCellContent(grid, bdr, rng);  
      bdr.Tag = grid.Rows[rng.Row]; //used to find the actual row dragged  
     _ddm.RegisterDragSource(bdr, DragDropEffect.Move, ModifierKeys.None);  

The next step is to subscribe to the DragEnter and DragDrop events to do the required processing there.

ddm.DragStart += (s, e) =>  
  var bdr = e.DragSource as Border;  
  var row = (bdr.Tag as Row);  
  var flex = (bdr.Tag as Row).Grid;  
  ddm.TargetMarker.Width = flex.ActualWidth;  //configure the Target Marker  


ddm.DragDrop += (s, e) =>  
  var bdr = e.DragSource as Border;  
  var flex = e.DropTarget as C1FlexGrid;  
  var row = flex.HitTest(e.GetPosition(flex)).Row;  

  if (flex.Name == "flex1")  //check the actual drop target  
    flex1source.Insert(row + 1, (bdr.Tag as Row).DataItem as Customer);  
    flex2source.RemoveAt((bdr.Tag as Row).Index);  
  else if (flex.Name == "flex2")  
    flex2source.Insert(row + 1, (bdr.Tag as Row).DataItem as Customer);  
    flex1source.RemoveAt((bdr.Tag as Row).Index);  

Download the attached sample for complete implementation. C# Sample


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