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HowTo : Implement Keyboard Shortcuts for C1Chart

C1Chart for WPF offers powerful rendering, rich styling elements, animations, and data-binding capabilities. This control also has built-in functions that simplify the implementation of interactive behaviors for the end user. The end user can explore, rotate and zoom chart using Mouse and Shift key combinations. However, in certain scenarios you may want to provide direct keyboard operations excluding the mouse interactions. This blog guides you to implement the same. The approach is quite simple. Manually set the focus in the C1Chart and once the focus is set, you can handle the keyboard events and add the required code to reflect the desired behavior on the Chart. Hence, even if the focus shifts to other controls as the user interacts with the UI, the user will just have to click back into the chart and, it will again make the chart responsive to keyboard shortcuts. In this blog, we have shown the ZoomIn/ZoomOut action on the Chart using the KeyDown/KeyUp keys respectively. Following code is used to implement the same :

Private Sub Chart1_MouseLeftButtonDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs Handles Chart1.MouseLeftButtonDown  
     'Setting the Focus manually.  
     'Without forcing this Focus, the keyboard events are not recognised.  
End Sub  

Private Sub Chart1_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs) Handles Chart1.<span>PreviewKeyDown  
      Chart1.View.AxisX.MinScale = 0.001  
      Chart1.View.AxisY.MinScale = 0.001  

      'Checking the pressed key  
      If e.Key = Key.Down Then  

           'Decreasing the scale values in order to ZoomIn  
           Chart1.View.AxisX.Scale = Chart1.View.AxisX.Scale - 0.35  
           Chart1.View.AxisY.Scale = Chart1.View.AxisY.Scale - 0.35  


      ElseIf e.Key = Key.Up Then  

          'Increasing the scale values in order to ZoomOut  
           Chart1.View.AxisX.scale = Chart1.View.AxisX.Scale + 0.35  
           Chart1.View.AxisY.Scale = Chart1.View.AxisY.Scale + 0.35  


      ElseIf e.Key = Key.Escape Then  

           'Setting the Scale to Default Value  
           Chart1.View.AxisX.Scale = 1  
           Chart1.View.AxisY.Scale = 1  

      End If  
End Sub

Run the attached samples, press KeyDown/KeyUp and you will observe the following output : Download Sample-C# Download Sample-VB


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