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Preventing big data blindness with reporting tools

A mass amount of information can be challenging to sort through to establish meaning, but with analytics tools and a strong report designer, organizations can make compelling visuals and generate actionable insight. However, if staff are unable to use data and reports effectively, they could be blind to a significant portion of their metrics, consequently missing out on potential benefits. To mitigate this issue, staff will need to ensure that they're looking at the big picture and are able to present the information in a comprehensive way.

Big data is often seen as a significant challenge, but more employees are being asked to understand how to use reporting tools for business improvements and more effective changes for growth. While the tools are becoming easier to navigate, many workers are still missing some important factors in their reports, which could influence how successful mission-critical decisions are. According to Information Age, factoring in the statistics of thousands of elements in hundreds of combinations will most likely result in some elements being overlooked.

Some call centers, for example, don't offer metrics on how callers found the organization or report on any interactions, which leads to marketers missing a substantial portion of their conversions. While this development can not be completely avoided, by understanding the importance of looking at the complete picture, businesses can make better educated choices.

"It also means that most brands set targets for their online budget on completely inaccurate data," Information Age stated. "These are the ramifications of the psychological effect inattentional blindness has on online marketers and, subsequently, the brands they manage."

Leveraging visualization in big data processes
Once users are aware of the potential blindness they have, they can work to create more precise metrics and generate successful visualizations. Reporting tools have become essential to creating successful displays and driving informed decisions. According to Mapline, visualization could be the key to achieving overarching business goals as it will make it significantly easier to point out valuable planning elements. This strategy will gauge past success and build upon current trends to create a plan to spur further growth.

Analytics software can help mark patterns and determine how elements are connected, allowing the company to use the trends to their advantage. With better information at their disposal, employees will be able to boost customer service and ensure the business is making changes that will improve client satisfaction. While sorting through all of the information and creating a display was once a significant challenge, simpler programs are allowing users with a variety of skill sets to leverage the system and maximize potential benefits for the organization.

"Once connections are identified, business planning can take place," according to Mapline. "When companies visualize what their customers need and their purchasing behavior, they can now connect with their target more appropriately. From the maps, they may effectively provide valuable offers that can benefit their customers and target market more."

Visualization and reporting efforts are becoming more essential to business processes and will drive future choices. Organizations must ensure that their staff are appropriately provisioned to generate positive results and foster a more profitable company.


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