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Three Ways to Use Summaries in Section Reports

In Section reports, the TextBox control has several Summary properties that, combined, let you render running summaries and grand totals in header or footer sections of your reports. Report at run time showing a group total and a grand total. Caution: With large amounts of data, putting a summary in a header section can delay rendering until the entire group (or the entire report, if it's a grand total) finishes processing. Putting the summary in the footer section allows the first pages of the report to render right away, which makes for a better user experience with long reports. Using the Summary properties, we can create:

  1. Group Summaries
  2. Page Subtotals
  3. Grand Totals

The SummaryRunning property determines how values accumulate, and the SummaryType property determines whether it's a page, group, or whole-report summary. If it's a group summary, the SummaryGroup property specifies which report group to summarize, based on the name of the GroupHeader section.

Group Summary

Drag the field you want to summarize from the Report Explorer Fields node and drop it in the GroupHeader or GroupFooter section. Set properties on the resulting bound TextBox control like this:


Enter the name of the GroupHeader section on which to group.





TextBox control in the GroupFooter with Summary properties showing in the Properties window. For group summaries to work, you also need to sort your data on the grouping field and assign the grouping field to the GroupHeader. For more on that, see Add Grouping.

Page Subtotal

Drag the field you want to summarize from the Report Explorer Fields node and drop it in the PageHeader or PageFooter section. Set properties on the resulting bound TextBox control like this:


Leave this blank.





TextBox control in PageFooter section with SummaryType property set to PageTotal.

Grand Total

Drag the field you want to summarize from the Report Explorer Fields node and drop it in the ReportHeader or ReportFooter section. Set properties on the resulting bound TextBox control like this:


Leave this blank.





TextBox control in the ReportFooter section with the SummaryType set to GrandTotal and the SummaryRunny property set to All. We didn't change the SummaryFunc property from its default setting of Sum in any of these examples, but you can set it to any of a number of enumerated math functions, including Avg, Min, Max, or even a number of variance or deviation values. For more information on using Summary* properties in Section reports, click the inline link to each property above, and see the following topics in our User Guide.


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