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Wijmo Build 5.20183.567 Available

Wijmo Build 5.20183.567 Available

Build 5.20183.567 is now available. It includes some new features and a plenty of bug fixes.

Change Log

  • Added two new LearnWijmo fiddles that highlight the FlexGrid’s basic and advanced features: Basic features | Advanced features
  • Added a cssClassAll property to the FlexGrid's Row and Column classes so you can add CSS classes to header cells as well as to data cells.
  • Added two new settings to the wijmo.olap.ShowAs enumeration: PctPrevRow and PctPrevCol cause the engine to show values for each item as a percentage of the value in the previous row or column. OLAP ShowAs sample
  • Added two extra parameters to the FlexGrid.getClipString method so it can be used to export to CSV (instead of tab-delimited text) and to optionally include column headers. CSV Export sample
  • Added a Tooltip.cssClass property to allow different types of tooltips to use different styles (e.g. information, validation, etc)
  • Improved the ComboBox.selectedValue property to get or set the control's text when it has no itemsSource. This makes it easier to use the ComboBox as a replacement for regular input elements (and leverage wijmo's infrastructure including styling).
  • Added a new "exclusiveValueSearch" property to the PivotEngine and FlexGridFilter classes. This new property is set to true by default, which enables an Excel-like behavior (searching excludes items from the filter). Set it to false to disable this, so searching only affects which items are displayed on the list, and not which items are included in the filter.
  • [AngularJS] Added auto-size-rows boolean property to the wj-flex-grid-cell-template directive, which is being set to false disables the default behavior where the cell template increases grid's default row height to accommodate cells content.
  • Improved the FlexGrid IME handling to start editing on Unicode spaces as well as regular spaces.
  • [WebComponents] Added Beta version of the WebComponents interop (wijmo.webcomponents.567.js modules). The Samples\TS\WebComponents\WebComponentsIntro sample explains the status and usage of the interop. WebComponentsIntro sample | Read the guide to web components

New Samples

Chris Bannon - Global Product Manager

Chris Bannon

Global Product Manager of Wijmo
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