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Wijmo v3 Beta 3 has Landed

I am happy to announce the 3rd preview release of Wijmo 3.0.0. This release includes a ton of polish to our Adaptive Widget Framework. More importantly, this release features Wijmo Data. Wijmo Data is a very light DataView API that is easily extended with Adapters. We originally wrote a very robust Data API, but decided to scale back our own library and instead integrate popular libraries. This release features our own Breeze Data Adapter that makes using Breeze with wijmo quite seamless. BreezeJS is becoming an industry standard, and our philosophy is to embrace and integrate with standards. By doing so, we can keep wijmo lightweight and you can choose the frameworks you want to work with. We are also providing an Ajax Data Adapter with JSONP support and an Array Data Adapter for working with local JavaScript arrays of data. DataView also supports Knockout and can output an Observable Array from any data set. Take a look at our new Wijmo Data samples online or read the docs.

Go Get It!

Download Wijmo v3 Beta, explore the new mobile widgets or learn more about v3. If you have any feedback or questions about please post them in the v3 Beta forum. We have also published some documentation for the widgets to help you get started. The docs will be updated during the Beta process so please be patient if something is missing momentarily.

Chris Bannon - Global Product Manager

Chris Bannon

Global Product Manager of Wijmo
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