


This view shows the basic features of FlexChartges.




Steps for getting started with the FlexChart control in Razor Pages:

  1. Add a public property FruitsSales for items source binding.
  2. Initialize the FlexChart control in Razor page view using <c1-flex-chart></c1-flex-chart> tag.
  3. Set the value of items sources as @Model.FruitsSales.
@model FlexChartModel
    ViewData["DemoSettings"] = true;
    ClientSettingsModel demoSettingModel = (ClientSettingsModel)ViewData["DemoSettingsModel"];

<c1-flex-chart id="@demoSettingModel.ControlId" binding-x="Name">
    <c1-items-source source-collection="@Model.FruitsSales"></c1-items-source>
    <c1-flex-chart-series binding="MarPrice">
    <c1-flex-chart-series binding="AprPrice">
    <c1-flex-chart-series binding="MayPrice">

@section Scripts{
    <script type="text/javascript">
    convertStacking = function (value) {
        return value === "Stacked 100%" ? "Stacked100pc" : value;
    convertPalette = function (value) {
        return wijmo.chart.Palettes[value];
    updateGroupWidth = function (control, value) {
        control.options = { groupWidth: value === "50 pixels" ? 50 : value };


@section Summary{
    This view shows the basic features of FlexChartges.

@section Description{
        Steps for getting started with the FlexChart control in Razor Pages:
        <li>Add a public property <b>FruitsSales</b> for items source binding.</li>
        <li>Initialize the FlexChart control in Razor page view using <b>&lt;c1-flex-chart&gt;&lt;/c1-flex-chart&gt;</b> tag.</li>
        <li>Set the value of items sources as <b>@@Model.FruitsSales</b>.</li>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
using RazorPagesExplorer.Models;

namespace RazorPagesExplorer.Pages
    public class FlexChartModel : PageModel
        public readonly IEnumerable<Fruit> FruitsSales = Fruit.GetFruitsSales();
        public void OnGet()
            ViewData["DemoSettingsModel"] = new ClientSettingsModel
                Settings = CreateIndexSettings(),
                DefaultValues = GetIndexDefaultValues()

        private static IDictionary<string, object[]> CreateIndexSettings()
            var settings = new Dictionary<string, object[]>
                {"ChartType", new object[]{"Column", "Bar", "Scatter", "Line", "LineSymbols", "Area", "Spline", "SplineSymbols", "SplineArea"}},
                {"Stacking", new object[]{"None", "Stacked", "Stacked 100%"}},
                {"Rotated", new object[]{false, true}},
                {"Palette", new object[]{"standard", "cocoa", "coral", "dark", "highcontrast", "light", "midnight", "minimal", "modern", "organic", "slate"}},
                {"GroupWidth", new object[]{"25%", "70%", "100%", "50 pixels"}}

            return settings;

        private static IDictionary<string, object> GetIndexDefaultValues()
            var defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object>
                {"GroupWidth", "70%"}

            return defaultValues;