

The C1LineChart supports a variety of animation effects when loading data.

The Animation and SeriesTransition properties are used to control the animation effect when loading and reloading data respectively.

  • Animation.Direction - for specifying the direction when animation plays which affects both data loading and reloading
  • Animation.Enabled and SeriesTransition.Enabled - for enabling the animation or not
  • Animation.Duration and SeriesTransition.Duration- for specifying the duration of the animation.
  • Animation.Easing and SeriesTransition.Easing - for setting the animation type.

The Easing property can be set to the following value:

  • easeInCubic(">")
  • easeOutCubic("<")
  • easeInOutCubic("<>")
  • easeInBack("backIn")
  • easeOutBack("backOut")
  • easeOutElastic("elastic")
  • easeOutBounce("bounce")