ASP.NET Core MVC Controls | ComponentOne
Working with Controls / FlexPie / Work with FlexPie / Customize FlexPie
In This Topic
    Customize FlexPie
    In This Topic

    The ItemFormatter property lets you customize the FlexPie using a JavaScript function. This topic demonstrates how to add labels over the pie slices with the help of this property.

    The image below shows the how the labels appear over the pie slices.

    The following code examples demonstrate how to add custom labels over the pie slices. To accomplish this, you must first write the script to add labels or similar custom content over FlexPie.
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        function formatItem(label, hitTestInfo, defaultFormatter)
            var fsz = label.fontSize;
            label.fontSize = '10';
            var point = hitTestInfo.point.clone();
            var text = + '=' + hitTestInfo.value.toFixed(1);
            var sz = label.measureString(text);
            var fill = label.fill;
            label.fill = 'white';
            label.drawRect(point.x - 2 - sz.width / 2, point.y - sz.height + 10, sz.width + 4, sz.height);
            label.fill = fill;
            point.x -= sz.width / 2;
            point.y += 9;
            label.drawString(text, point);
            label.fontSize = fsz;

    Set the ItemFormatter property as shown in the code below to add the labels onto the FlexPie. The following example uses the sample created in the Quick Start topic.

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    <c1-flex-pie binding-name="Country" binding="Sales" item-formatter="formatItem">