ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
Working with Controls / TabPanel / Work with TabPanel / Styling and CSS
In This Topic
    Styling and CSS
    In This Topic

    CSS classes for the TabPanel control are as follows:

    Class Description
    .wj-tabpanel Styles the div host element of the TabPanel control.
    .wj-tabpanel > div > .wj-tabheaders Styles all the tab headers.
    .wj-tabpanel > div > .wj-tabheaders > .wj-header Styles the individual tab header.
    .wj-tabheader.wj-state-active Styles the currently active tab header in the TabPanel control.
    .wj-tabpane .wj-state-active Styles the currently active tab pane in the TabPanel control.
    .wj-tabpanel > div > .wj-tabpanes Styles all the tab panes.
    .wj-tabpanel > div > .wj-tabpanes > .wj-tabpane Styles the individual tab pane.