ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
In This Topic
    SelMove Enum
    In This Topic

    Specifies constants that represent a type of movement for the selection.


    Name Value Description
    None 0

    Do not change the selection.

    Next 1

    Select the next visible cell.

    Prev 2

    Select the previous visible cell.

    NextPage 3

    Select the first visible cell in the next page.

    PrevPage 4

    Select the first visible cell in the previous page.

    Home 5

    Select the first visible cell.

    End 6

    Select the last visible cell.

    NextCell 7

    Select the next visible cell skipping columns and rows if necessary.

    PrevCell 8

    Select the previous visible cell skipping columns and rows if necessary.

    NextEditableCell 9

    Select the next visible and editable cell skipping columns and rows if necessary.

    PrevEditableCell 10

    Select the previous visible cell skipping columns and rows if necessary.