DataConnector | ComponentOne
ADO.NET provider for ServiceNow / LINQ Queries
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    LINQ Queries
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    LINQ queries demonstrate how to operate and query the Service Now objects wrapped in an Entity Framework data model. Listed below are some examples of LINQ queries supported by the Entity framework. In the following example, it is used Incident.cs file to map the Incident datatable.


    Retrieve all entities that contain "Server" in the Description column.

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    var records = context.Incident.Where(x => x.Description.Contains("Server"));

    Order By

    Sort data by Category in ascending order.

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    var records = (from p in context.Incident
                   orderby p.Category ascending//Implementing Order By
                   select p);


    Count all entities that match a given criterion. 

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    var _count = (from p in context.Incident
                  select p).Count();//Count Query based on number of records selected


    Cross-join Incident and AlmAsset tables.

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    var records = from b in context.Incident
                  from e in context.AlmAsset
                  select new { b, e };//Defining Cross Join
    Group By

    Group records from the Incidents table based on the Category property.

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     var incidentTable = context.Incident.AsEnumerable();
     var queryIncident = from b in incidentTable
                         group b by b.Category into newGroup
                         orderby newGroup.Key descending
                         select newGroup;