ComponentOne Zip for .NET 2.0
In This Topic
    Password Protecting Zip Files
    In This Topic

    While sending your sensitive zip files over the internet, it is essential to secure the data using advanced password protection. Protecting your zip file with passwords can keep intruders at bay from the confidential information you share across the wire. The C1Zip library provides the Password property in C1ZipFile class to add password to each entry in the zip file prior to adding the file to the zip archive. The library also provides the CheckPassword method of C1ZipEntry class.

    In order to extract the entry in the zip file, the user can set the Password property to the same value that was used while adding the entry.

    Enter password dialog box

    Adding Password to Entry at Compression

    For adding a password to an entry, you have to create a zip file using the Create method of C1ZipFile class. Then, assign a password to each entry to be added in the zip file using the Password property of C1ZipFile class, and add the entry to the zip archive by passing the Add method on the Entries property of C1ZipEntryCollection class.

    This is the C# Code for adding password to zip entry in WinForms applications:

    Copy Code
    private void btnCompress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Create zip file
        // Get app dir
        string s = Application.ExecutablePath;
        s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(@"\bin")) + @"\resources";
        // Populate zip file and list
        foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(s))
            string FileName = f.ToLower();
            // Skip self
            if (FileName.EndsWith("zip")) continue; 
            // Add password for each entry that is compressed
            zip.Password = "pass2808";
            // Add to zip file
            zip.Entries.Add(FileName); // add to zip file
        // Update display.
    private void UpdateDisplay()
        // Remove any existing items.
        // Add each entry.
        foreach (C1ZipEntry ze in zip.Entries)
            // Calculate the compression amount.
            double pct = 0;
            if (ze.SizeUncompressed > 0)
                pct = 1 - (((double)ze.SizeCompressed) / ((double)ze.SizeUncompressed));
            // Build ListView item.
            ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { ze.FileName, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(ze.Date, "MM/dd/yy"), Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(ze.SizeUncompressed, "#,##0"), Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(ze.SizeCompressed, "#,##0"), Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(pct, "00 %") });
            // Save ZipEntry into item tag.
            lvi.Tag = ze;
            // Add item to ListView.
        // Update UI.
        bool hasEntries = (listView1.Items.Count > 0);

    This is the VB Code for adding password to zip entry in WinForms applications:

    Copy Code
        Private Sub btnCompress_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCompress.Click
            'Create Zip file
            Dim s As String = Application.ExecutablePath
            s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("\bin")) & "\resources"
            For Each f As String In Directory.GetFiles(s)
                Dim FileName As String = f.ToLower()
                If FileName.EndsWith("zip") Then Continue For
                zip.Password = "pass2808"
                'Add files
            ' Done.
        End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateDisplay()
            ' Remove any existing items.
            ' Add each entry.
            For Each ze As C1ZipEntry In zip.Entries
                Dim pct As Double = 0
                ' Calculate the compression amount.
                If ze.SizeUncompressed > 0 Then
                    pct = 1 - ((CDbl(ze.SizeCompressed)) / (CDbl(ze.SizeUncompressed)))
                End If
                ' Build ListView item.
                Dim lvi As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(New String() {ze.FileName, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(ze.Date, "MM/dd/yy"), Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(ze.SizeUncompressed, "#,##0"), Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(ze.SizeCompressed, "#,##0"), Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Format(pct, "00 %")})
                ' Save ZipEntry into item tag.
                lvi.Tag = ze
                ' Add item to ListView.
            ' Update UI.
            Dim hasEntries As Boolean = (listView1.Items.Count > 0)
        End Sub

    This is the C# code for adding password to zip entry in WPF applications:

    Copy Code
           private void BtnCompress_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
               // Create the C1ZipFile member.
               zip = new C1ZipFile();
               // Create zip file
               // Get app dir
               string s = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
               s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(@"\bin")) + @"\resources";
               // Populate zip file and list
               foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(s))
                   string FileName = f.ToLower();
                   // Skip self
                   if (FileName.EndsWith("zip")) continue;
                   // Add password for each entry that is compressed
                   zip.Entries.Add(FileName); // add to zip file
               // Done.
    void UpdateDisplay()
               var sel = listView1.SelectedItem;
               listView1.ItemsSource = null;
               if (zip == null)
               //_flex.ItemsSource = _zip.Entries;
               if (zip.Entries.Count == 0)
                   zip = null;
               listView1.SelectedItem = sel;

    This is the VB code for adding password to zip entry in WPF applications:

    Copy Code
    Private Sub BtnCompress_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
        ' Create the C1ZipFile member.
        zip = New C1ZipFile()
        ' Create zip file
        ' Get app dir
        Dim s As String = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location
        s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("\bin")) & "\resources"
        ' Populate zip file and list
        For Each f As String In Directory.GetFiles(s)
            Dim FileName As String = f.ToLower()
            ' Skip self
            If FileName.EndsWith("zip") Then Continue For
            ' Add password for each entry that is compressed
            zip.Entries.Add(FileName) ' add to zip file
        ' Done.
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateDisplay()
        Dim sel = Me.listView1.SelectedItem
        Me.listView1.ItemsSource = Nothing
        If zip Is Nothing Then
        End If
        '_flex.ItemsSource = _zip.Entries;
        If zip.Entries.Count = 0 Then
            zip = Nothing
        End If
        Me.listView1.SelectedItem = sel
    End Sub

    Further, you can validate the password while extracting each entry by initializing a UserInputDialog form to validate the password using the if-else statement.

    This is the C# Code for UserInputDialog form in WinForms applications:

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    public partial class UserInputDialog : Form
        public UserInputDialog()
        // show dialog and return value to the user
        public string GetString(string caption)
            return GetString(caption, string.Empty);
        public string GetString(string caption, string defValue)
            // initialize dialog
            Text = caption;
            _txtUser.Text = defValue;
            //Password masking for added security
            _txtUser.PasswordChar = '*';
            // show dialog
            var dr = ShowDialog();
            // return user input or null if user cancelled
            return dr == DialogResult.OK
                ? _txtUser.Text
                : null;

    This is the VB Code for UserInputDialog in WinForms applications:

    Copy Code
    Public Class UserInputDialog
        'Show dialog and return value to the user
        Public Function GetString(ByVal caption As String) As String
            Return GetString(caption, String.Empty)
        End Function
        Public Function GetString(ByVal caption As String, ByVal defValue As String) As String
            Text = caption
            _txtUser.Text = defValue
            Dim dr = ShowDialog()
            Return If(dr = DialogResult.OK, _txtUser.Text, Nothing)
        End Function
    End Class

    This is the C# code for UserInputDialog form in WPF applications:

    Copy Code
    public partial class UserInputDialog : Window
        public UserInputDialog()
        public string GetString(string caption)
            return GetString(caption, string.Empty);
        public string GetString(string caption, string defValue)
            // initialize dialog
            Title = caption;
            _txtUser.Text = defValue;
            // show dialog
            Nullable<bool> dr = ShowDialog();
            // return user input or null if user cancelled
            return (dr == DialogResult.HasValue)
                ? _txtUser.Text
                : null;
        private void BtnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.DialogResult = true;

    This is the VB code for UserInputDialog form in WPF applications:

    Copy Code
    Public Class UserInputdialog
        Public Function GetString(ByVal caption As String) As String
            Return GetString(caption, String.Empty)
        End Function
        Public Function GetString(ByVal caption As String, ByVal defValue As String) As String
            ' initialize dialog
            Title = caption
            Me._txtUser.Text = defValue
            ' show dialog
            Dim dr As Boolean? = ShowDialog()
            ' return user input or null if user cancelled
            Return If(dr = DialogResult.HasValue, Me._txtUser.Text, Nothing)
        End Function
        Private Sub BtnOK_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
            DialogResult = True
        End Sub
    End Class

    Then, extract the selected entries by using the Extract method of C1ZipEntryCollection class.

    This is the C# Code for extracting entries in WinForms applications:

    Copy Code
    private void btnDecompress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Make sure we have some selected entries.
        int cnt = listView1.SelectedIndices.Count;
        if (cnt == 0)
            MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no files to extract...", "C1Zip");
        // Confirm with user.
        DialogResult dr;
        string msg;
        msg = "Please confirm that you want to extract " + cnt.ToString() + " entries.";
        dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "C1Zip", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
        if (dr != DialogResult.OK) return;
        // Extract all selected entries.
        C1ZipEntry ze;
        foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView1.SelectedItems)
            ze = (C1ZipEntry)lvi.Tag;
            if (ze.SizeCompressed > 0)
                // Validate password before extracting an entry
                var dlg = new UserInputDialog();
                dlg.Font = this.Font;
                string new_password = dlg.GetString("Enter password", zip.Password);
                if (new_password == "pass2808")
                    zip.Password = new_password;
                    MessageBox.Show("Extracting your file...");
                    MessageBox.Show("The specified password is incorrect. Cannot extract the file.");
            // Done.

    This is the VB Code for extracting entries in WinForms applications:

    Copy Code
    Private Sub btnDecompress_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDecompress.Click
        ' Make sure we have some selected entries.
        Dim cnt As Integer = listView1.SelectedIndices.Count
        If cnt = 0 Then
            MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no files to extract...", "C1Zip")
        End If
        'Confirm with user.
        Dim dr As DialogResult
        Dim msg As String
        msg = "Please confirm that you want to extract " & cnt.ToString() & " entries."
        dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "C1Zip", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
        If dr <> DialogResult.OK Then Return
        'Extract all selected entries.
        Dim ze As C1ZipEntry
        For Each lvi As ListViewItem In listView1.SelectedItems
            ze = CType(lvi.Tag, C1ZipEntry)
            If ze.SizeCompressed > 0 Then
                Dim dlg = New UserInputDialog()
                dlg.Font = Me.Font
                'Validate password before extracting an entry
                Dim new_password As String = dlg.GetString("Enter password", zip.Password)
                If new_password = "pass2808" Then
                    zip.Password = new_password
                    MessageBox.Show("Extracting your file...")
                    MessageBox.Show("The specified password is incorrect. Cannot extract the file.")
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

    This is the C# code for extracting entries in WPF applications:

    Copy Code
    private void BtnDecompress_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //Make sure we have some selected entries.
        int cnt = listView1.SelectedItems.Count;
        if (cnt == 0)
            MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no files to extract...", "C1Zip");
        // Confirm with user.
        MessageBoxResult dr;
        string msg;
        msg = "Please confirm that you want to extract " + cnt.ToString() + " entries.";
        dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "C1Zip", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);
        if (dr != MessageBoxResult.OK) return;
        //Extract all selected entries.
        C1ZipEntry ze;
        foreach (string lvi in listView1.SelectedItems)
            ze = (C1ZipEntry)zip.Entries[lvi];
            if (ze.SizeCompressed > 0)
                // Validate password before extracting an entry
                var dlg = new UserInputDialog();
                string new_password = dlg.GetString("Enter password", zip.Password);
                if (new_password == "pass2808")
                    zip.Password = new_password;
                    MessageBox.Show("Extracting your file...");
                    MessageBox.Show("The specified password is incorrect. Cannot extract the file.");
        // Done.

    This is the VB code for extracting entries in WPF applications:

    Copy Code
    Private Sub BtnDecompress_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
        'Make sure we have some selected entries.
        Dim cnt As Integer = Me.listView1.SelectedItems.Count
        If cnt = 0 Then
            MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no files to extract...", "C1Zip")
        End If
        ' Confirm with user.
        Dim dr As MessageBoxResult
        Dim msg As String
        msg = "Please confirm that you want to extract " & cnt.ToString() & " entries."
        dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "C1Zip", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question)
        If dr <> MessageBoxResult.OK Then Return
        'Extract all selected entries.
        Dim ze As C1ZipEntry
        For Each lvi As String In Me.listView1.SelectedItems
            ze = zip.Entries(lvi)
            If ze.SizeCompressed > 0 Then
                ' Validate password before extracting an entry
                Dim dlg = New UserInputdialog()
                Dim new_password As String = dlg.GetString("Enter password", zip.Password)
                If Equals(new_password, "pass2808") Then
                    zip.Password = new_password
                    MessageBox.Show("Extracting your file...")
                    MessageBox.Show("The specified password is incorrect. Cannot extract the file.")
                End If
            End If
        ' Done.
    End Sub
    See Also