ComponentOne Basic Library for UWP
C1.UWP Assembly / C1.Xaml Namespace / C1TreeView Class / DragStart Event

In This Topic
    DragStart Event
    In This Topic
    Fires when a drag drop process starts.
    Public Event DragStart As System.EventHandler(Of C1DragStartedEventArgs)
    public event System.EventHandler<C1DragStartedEventArgs> DragStart
    Event Data

    The event handler receives an argument of type C1DragStartedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following C1DragStartedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

    Gets a reference to the C1DragHelper that originated the event. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.C1DragEventArgs)
    Gets or sets a value that marks the routed event as handled. Setting to true prevents most handlers along the event route from handling the same event again. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.C1InputEventArgs)
    Gets the absolute point where the gesture started.  
    Gets the arguments of the original event which raised this event. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.C1InputEventArgs)
    Gets a reference to the object that raised the event. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.C1InputEventArgs)
    Gets the type of pointer which performed the action. (Inherited from C1.Xaml.C1InputEventArgs)
    See Also