ComponentOne FlexGrid for UWP
Tutorials / Populating the Grid with Data / Grid Population
In This Topic
    Grid Population
    In This Topic

    This help will walk you through populating the grid by binding data from a separate code file. It will also demonstrate the C1FlexGrid control's filtering and grouping capabilities.
    Follow these steps:

    1. Open the MainPage.xaml page if it isn't open already. Click within the <Grid> </Grid> tags and insert the following XAML markup to set up the general ComboBox and TextBox controls that will control both filtering and grouping:
      Copy Code
                 <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                 <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                 <RowDefinition />
             <Border BorderThickness="0,1,0,1" BorderBrush="White" Margin="5">
                 <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                         <Style TargetType="TextBlock">
                             <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="14"/>
                             <Setter Property="Margin" Value="10,0,6,0"/>
                             <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"/>
                     <TextBlock Text="Group on:" HorizontalAlignment="Right"/>
                     <ComboBox Name="groupComboBox" Grid.Column="1" 
                                              SelectionChanged="groupComboBox_SelectionChanged_1" Height="30" Width="110" Margin="5"/>
                     <TextBlock Text="Filter on:" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Right"/>
                     <ComboBox Name="filterComboBox" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" 
                                              SelectionChanged="filterComboBox_SelectionChanged_1" Height="30" Width="110" Margin="5"/>
                     <TextBox Name="filterTextBox" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" TextChanged="filterTextBox_TextChanged_1" Height="25"
                                  Width="110" Margin="5"/>

    2. Add a C1FlexGrid control to your application by double-clicking the control in your Visual Studio Toolbox or by adding the following XAML markup to your application:
      Copy Code
      <FlexGrid:C1FlexGrid x:Name="flexgrid1" AllowResizing="Both" AllowDragging="Both" AllowDrop="True" ColumnHeaderForeground="White" />

    3. Add the following XAML markup to your <FlexGrid:C1FlexGrid> </FlexGrid: C1FlexGrid> tags to set up the FlexGrid.Columns and to create the bindings in markup:
      Copy Code
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding Active, Mode=TwoWay}" />
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding ID, Mode=TwoWay}" />
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding Name, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="*"/>
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding Country, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="*"/>
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding Hired, Mode=TwoWay}" Format="d" Width="*" />
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding Father, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="*"/>
          <FlexGrid:Column Binding="{Binding Weight, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="*"/>

    4. Right-click on your application name and select Add | New Item from the list. Select Code File from the Add New File dialog box and name it Customer.cs. The new code file should open immediately.
    5. In the Customer.cs file, add the following namespaces and code to create the data with which we will populate the grid:
      Copy Code
      using System;
       using System.Collections;
       using System.Collections.Generic;
       using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
       using System.ComponentModel;
       using System.Reflection;
      namespace FlexGridSamples
               public class Customer :
               // ** fields
               int _id, _countryID;
               string _first, _last;
               string _father, _brother, _cousin;
               bool _active;
               DateTime _hired;
               double _weight;
              // ** data generators
               static Random _rnd = new Random();
               static string[] _firstNames = "Andy|Ben|Charlie|Dan|Ed|Fred|Gil|Herb|Jack|Karl|Larry|Mark| Noah|Oprah|Paul|Quince|Rich|Steve|Ted|Ulrich|Vic|Xavier|Zeb".Split('|');
               static string[] _lastNames = "Ambers|Bishop|Cole|Danson|Evers|Frommer|Griswold|Heath|Jammers|Krause|Lehman|Myers|Neiman| Orsted|Paulson|Quaid|Richards|Stevens|Trask|Ulam".Split('|');
               static string[] _countries = "China|India|United States|Indonesia|Brazil|Pakistan|Bangladesh|Nigeria|Russia|Japan|Mexico|Philippines |Vietnam|Germany|Ethiopia|Egypt|Iran|Turkey|Congo|France|Thailand|UnitedKingdom| Italy|Myanmar".Split('|');
              // ** ctors
               public Customer()
                   : this(_rnd.Next(10000))
               public Customer(int id)
                   ID = id;
                  First = GetString(_firstNames);
                   Last = GetString(_lastNames);
                   CountryID = _rnd.Next() % _countries.Length;
                   Active = _rnd.NextDouble() >= .5;
                   Hired = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-_rnd.Next(1, 365));
                   Weight = 50 + _rnd.NextDouble() * 50;
                   _father = string.Format("{0} {1}", GetString(_firstNames), Last);
                   _brother = string.Format("{0} {1}", GetString(_firstNames), Last);
                   _cousin = GetName();
              // ** object model
              public int ID
                   get { return _id; }
                       if (value != _id)
                           _id = value;
               public string Name
                   get { return string.Format("{0} {1}", First, Last); }
               public string Country
                   get { return _countries[_countryID]; }
               public int CountryID
                   get { return _countryID; }
                       if (value != _countryID && value > -1 && value < _countries.Length)
                           _countryID = value;
                          // call OnPropertyChanged with null parameter since setting this property
                           // modifies the value of "CountryID" and also the value of "Country".
               public bool Active
                   get { return _active; }
                       if (value != _active)
                           _active = value;
               public string First
                   get { return _first; }
                       if (value != _first)
                           _first = value;
                          // call OnPropertyChanged with null parameter since setting this property
                           // modifies the value of "First" and also the value of "Name".
               public string Last
                   get { return _last; }
                       if (value != _last)
                           _last = value;
                          // call OnPropertyChanged with null parameter since setting this property
                           // modifies the value of "First" and also the value of "Name".
               public DateTime Hired
                   get { return _hired; }
                       if (value != _hired)
                           _hired = value;
               public double Weight
                   get { return _weight; }
                       if (value != _weight)
                           _weight = value;
              // some read-only stuff
               public string Father
                   get { return _father; }
               public string Brother
                   get { return _brother; }
               public string Cousin
                   get { return _cousin; }
              // ** utilities
               static string GetString(string[] arr)
                   return arr[_rnd.Next(arr.Length)];
               static string GetName()
                   return string.Format("{0} {1}", GetString(_firstNames), GetString(_lastNames));
              // ** static list provider
               public static ObservableCollection<Customer> GetCustomerList(int count)
                   var list = new ObservableCollection<Customer>();
                   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                       list.Add(new Customer(i));
                   return list;
              // ** static value providers
               public static string[] GetCountries() { return _countries; }
               public static string[] GetFirstNames() { return _firstNames; }
               public static string[] GetLastNames() { return _lastNames; }
               #region ** INotifyPropertyChanged Members
              // this interface allows bounds controls to react to changes in the data objects.
              void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
                   OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
               public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
               protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
                   if (PropertyChanged != null)
                       PropertyChanged(this, e);
                      #region IEditableObject Members
              // this interface allows transacted edits (user can press escape to restore previous values).
              Customer _clone;
               public void BeginEdit()
                   _clone = (Customer)this.MemberwiseClone();
               public void EndEdit()
                   _clone = null;
               public void CancelEdit()
                   if (_clone != null)
                       foreach (var p in this.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties())
                           if (p.CanRead && p.CanWrite)
                               p.SetValue(this, p.GetValue(_clone, null), null);
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Visual Basic
       Imports System
       Imports System.Collections
       Imports System.Collections.Generic
       Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
       Imports System.ComponentModel
       Imports System.Reflection
      Namespace FlexGridSamples
           Public Class Customer
              Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
               Implements IEditableObject
               ' ** fields
               Private _id As Integer, _countryID As Integer
               Private _first As String, _last As String
               Private _father As String, _brother As String, _cousin As String
               Private _active As Boolean
               Private _hired As DateTime
               Private _weight As Double
              ' ** data generators
               Shared _rnd As New Random()
               Shared _firstNames As String() = "Andy|Ben|Charlie|Dan|Ed|Fred|Gil|Herb|Jack|Karl|Larry| Mark|Noah|Oprah|Paul|Quince|Rich|Steve|Ted|Ulrich|Vic|Xavier|Zeb".Split("|"c)
               Shared _lastNames As String() = "Ambers|Bishop|Cole|Danson|Evers|Frommer|Griswold|Heath|Jammers|Krause|Lehman|Myers |Neiman|Orsted|Paulson|Quaid|Richards|Stevens|Trask|Ulam".Split("|"c)
               Shared _countries As String() = "China|India|United States|Indonesia|Brazil|Pakistan|Bangladesh|Nigeria|Russia|Japan|Mexico| Philippines|Vietnam|Germany|Ethiopia|Egypt|Iran|Turkey|Congo|France|Thailand|United Kingdom|Italy|Myanmar".Split("|"c)
              ' ** ctors
               Public Sub New()
               End Sub
               Public Sub New(id__1 As Integer)
                   ID = id__1
                  First = GetString(_firstNames)
                   Last = GetString(_lastNames)
                   CountryID = _rnd.[Next]() Mod _countries.Length
                   Active = _rnd.NextDouble() >= 0.5
                   Hired = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-_rnd.[Next](1, 365))
                   Weight = 50 + _rnd.NextDouble() * 50
                   _father = String.Format("{0} {1}", GetString(_firstNames), Last)
                   _brother = String.Format("{0} {1}", GetString(_firstNames), Last)
                   _cousin = GetName()
               End Sub
              ' ** object model
               Public Property ID() As Integer
                       Return _id
                   End Get
                   Set(value As Integer)
                       If value <> _id Then
                           _id = value
                       End If
                   End Set
               End Property
               Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
                       Return String.Format("{0} {1}", First, Last)
                   End Get
               End Property
               Public ReadOnly Property Country() As String
                       Return _countries(_countryID)
                   End Get
               End Property
               Public Property CountryID() As Integer
                       Return _countryID
                   End Get
                   Set(value As Integer)
                       If value <> _countryID AndAlso value > -1 AndAlso value < _countries.Length Then
                           _countryID = value
                          ' call OnPropertyChanged with null parameter since setting this property
                           ' modifies the value of "CountryID" and also the value of "Country".
                       End If
                   End Set
               End Property
               Public Property Active() As Boolean
                       Return _active
                   End Get
                   Set(value As Boolean)
                       If value <> _active Then
                           _active = value
                       End If
                   End Set
               End Property
               Public Property First() As String
                       Return _first
                   End Get
                   Set(value As String)
                       If value <> _first Then
                           _first = value
                          ' call OnPropertyChanged with null parameter since setting this property
                           ' modifies the value of "First" and also the value of "Name".
                       End If
                   End Set
               End Property
               Public Property Last() As String
                       Return _last
                   End Get
                   Set(value As String)
                       If value <> _last Then
                           _last = value
                          ' call OnPropertyChanged with null parameter since setting this property
                           ' modifies the value of "First" and also the value of "Name".
                       End If
                   End Set
              End Property
               Public Property Hired() As DateTime
                       Return _hired
                   End Get
                   Set(value As DateTime)
                       If value <> _hired Then
                           _hired = value
                       End If
                   End Set
               End Property
               Public Property Weight() As Double
                       Return _weight
                   End Get
                   Set(value As Double)
                       If value <> _weight Then
                           _weight = value
                       End If
                   End Set
               End Property
              ' some read-only stuff
               Public ReadOnly Property Father() As String
                       Return _father
                   End Get
               End Property
               Public ReadOnly Property Brother() As String
                       Return _brother
                   End Get
               End Property
               Public ReadOnly Property Cousin() As String
                       Return _cousin
                   End Get
               End Property
              ' ** utilities
               Private Shared Function GetString(arr As String()) As String
                   Return arr(_rnd.[Next](arr.Length))
               End Function
               Private Shared Function GetName() As String
                   Return String.Format("{0} {1}", GetString(_firstNames), GetString(_lastNames))
               End Function
              ' ** static list provider
               Public Shared Function GetCustomerList(count As Integer) As ObservableCollection(Of Customer)
                   Dim list = New ObservableCollection(Of Customer)()
                   For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
                       list.Add(New Customer(i))
                   Return list
               End Function
              ' ** static value providers
               Public Shared Function GetCountries() As String()
                   Return _countries
               End Function
               Public Shared Function GetFirstNames() As String()
                   Return _firstNames
               End Function
               Public Shared Function GetLastNames() As String()
                   Return _lastNames
               End Function
       #Region "** INotifyPropertyChanged Members"
              ' this interface allows bounds controls to react to changes in the data objects.
              Private Sub RaisePropertyChanged(propertyName As String)
                   OnPropertyChanged(New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
               End Sub
               Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler
               Protected Sub OnPropertyChanged(e As PropertyChangedEventArgs)
                   RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, e)
               End Sub
      #End Region      
       #Region "IEditableObject Members"
              ' this interface allows transacted edits (user can press escape to restore previous values).
              Private _clone As Customer
               Public Sub BeginEdit()
                   _clone = DirectCast(Me.MemberwiseClone(), Customer)
               End Sub
               Public Sub EndEdit()
                   _clone = Nothing
               End Sub
               Public Sub CancelEdit()
                   If _clone IsNot Nothing Then
                       For Each p In Me.[GetType]().GetRuntimeProperties()
                           If p.CanRead AndAlso p.CanWrite Then
                               p.SetValue(Me, p.GetValue(_clone, Nothing), Nothing)
                           End If
                   End If
               End Sub
      #End Region
               Public Sub BeginEdit1() Implements IEditableObject.BeginEdit
              End Sub
              Public Sub CancelEdit1() Implements IEditableObject.CancelEdit
              End Sub
              Public Sub EndEdit1() Implements IEditableObject.EndEdit
              End Sub
              Public Event PropertyChanged1(sender As Object, e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
           End Class
       End Namespace

    6. Switch to Code View and add the following namespace:
      Copy Code
      using C1.Xaml.FlexGrid;
      using C1.Xaml;
      using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Imports C1.Xaml.FlexGrid
      Imports C1.Xaml
      Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel

    7. Add the following code above the MainPage() constructor to represent the ICollectionView interface implementation:
      Copy Code
      private readonly C1CollectionView _c1CollectionView;
      private const string NoneItem = "(None)";
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Dim _c1CollectionView As C1CollectionView
      Const NoneItem As String = "(None)"

    8. Insert the following code directly below the InitializeComponent() method to create a list and an observable collection. This code also sets the C1FlexGrid.ItemsSource property:
      Copy Code
      IList<string> fieldNames = new string[] { "ID", "Name", "Country", "Active", "Hired", "Father", "Weight" };
                  List<string> groupFields = new List<string>(fieldNames);
                   List<string> filterFields = new List<string>(groupFields);
                   groupFields.Insert(0, NoneItem);
                   groupComboBox.ItemsSource = groupFields;
                   groupComboBox.SelectedItem = NoneItem;
                   filterComboBox.ItemsSource = filterFields;
                   filterComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                   ObservableCollection<Customer> customers = Customer.GetCustomerList(50);
                   _c1CollectionView = new C1CollectionView();
                   _c1CollectionView.SourceCollection = customers;
                  c1FlexGrid1.ItemsSource = _c1CollectionView;
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Dim fieldNames As IList(Of String) = New String() {"ID", "Name", "Country", "Active", "Hired", "Father", "Weight"}
              Dim groupFields As New List(Of String)(fieldNames)
               Dim filterFields As New List(Of String)(groupFields)
               groupFields.Insert(0, NoneItem)
               groupComboBox.ItemsSource = groupFields
               groupComboBox.SelectedItem = NoneItem
               filterComboBox.ItemsSource = filterFields
               filterComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
              Dim customers As ObservableCollection(Of Customer) = Customer.GetCustomerList(50)
               _c1CollectionView = New C1CollectionView()
               _c1CollectionView.SourceCollection = customers
              flexgrid1.ItemsSource = _c1CollectionView

    9. To add  grouping capabilities, add the following code:
      Copy Code
      void UpdateGrouping()
                   if (_c1CollectionView == null)
                   using (_c1CollectionView.DeferRefresh())
                       if (groupComboBox.SelectedItem != NoneItem)
                           _c1CollectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription((string)groupComboBox.SelectedItem));
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Private Sub UpdateGrouping()
               If (_c1CollectionView Is Nothing) Then
               End If
               If (groupComboBox.SelectedItem <> NoneItem) Then
                   _c1CollectionView.GroupDescriptions.Add(New PropertyGroupDescription(CType(groupComboBox.SelectedItem, String)))
               End If
           End Sub

    10. Set and control the C1FlexGrid's filtering capabilities with the following code:
      Copy Code
      void UpdateFiltering()
                   if (filterTextBox.Text.Length == 0)
                       _c1CollectionView.Filter = null;
                       if (_c1CollectionView.Filter == null)
                           _c1CollectionView.Filter = FilterFunction;
              bool FilterFunction(object customer)
                   Customer cust = customer as Customer;
                   if (cust == null)
                       return false;
                   object propValue = null;
                   switch ((string)filterComboBox.SelectedItem)
                       case "ID":
                           propValue = cust.ID;
                       case "Name":
                           propValue = cust.Name;
                       case "Country":
                           propValue = cust.Country;
                       case "Hired":
                           propValue = cust.Hired;
                       case "Father":
                           propValue = cust.Father;
                       case "Weight":
                           propValue = cust.Weight;
                           return true;
                   if (propValue == null)
                       return false;
                   return propValue.ToString().StartsWith(filterTextBox.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      Private Sub UpdateFiltering()
               If filterTextBox.Text.Length = 0 Then
                   _c1CollectionView.Filter = Nothing
                   If _c1CollectionView.Filter Is Nothing Then
                       _c1CollectionView.Filter = AddressOf FilterFunction
                   End If
               End If
           End Sub
          Private Function FilterFunction(ByVal customer As Object) As Boolean '
               Dim cust As Customer = CType(customer, Customer)
               If (cust Is Nothing) Then
                   Return False
               End If
              Dim propValue As Object = Nothing
               Select Case (CType(filterComboBox.SelectedItem, String))
                   Case "ID"
                       propValue = cust.ID
                   Case "Name"
                       propValue = cust.Name
                   Case "Country"
                       propValue = cust.Country
                   Case "Hired"
                       propValue = cust.Hired
                   Case "Father"
                       propValue = cust.Father
                   Case "Weight"
                       propValue = cust.Weight
                   Case Else
                       Return True
               End Select

    11. Finally, add the following code to handle the ComboBox and TextBox SelectionChanged and TextChanged events:
      Copy Code
      private void groupComboBox_SelectionChanged_1(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
              private void filterTextBox_TextChanged_1(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
              private void filterComboBox_SelectionChanged_1(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
                   filterTextBox.Text = "";
      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      If (propValue Is Nothing) Then
                   Return False
               End If
               Return propValue.ToString.StartsWith(filterTextBox.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
           End Function
           Private Sub groupComboBox_SelectionChanged_1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
           End Sub
           Private Sub filterTextBox_TextChanged_1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TextChangedEventArgs)
           End Sub
           Private Sub filterComboBox_SelectionChanged_1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
               filterTextBox.Text = ""
           End Sub

    12. When you run your application, you should be able to filter and group data in several different ways. Your C1FlexGrid control should resemble the following image: