ComponentOne Gauge for UWP
Gauges for UWP Task-Based Help / Customizing the Pointer's Appearance
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    Customizing the Pointer's Appearance
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    By default, the C1GaugePointer appears as a tapered brown rectangle and the pointer cap appears as a gray circle with a gradient. You can customize the appearance of both. In the following steps, you'll customize the appearance of the C1RadialGauge control's C1GaugePointer and C1RadialGauge.PointerCap.

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Click once on the C1RadialGauge control to select it.
    2. Switch to XAML view and add PointerFill="SkyBlue"
      PointerStroke="CornflowerBlue" to the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
    Copy Code
    <Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="226" Margin="22,24,0,12" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="256" PointerFill="SkyBlue" PointerStroke="CornflowerBlue">

    This will set customize the color of the C1GaugePointer.

    1. In XAML view add PointerCapStroke="CornflowerBlue" to the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
    Copy Code
    <Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="226" Margin="22,24,0,12" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="256" PointerFill="SkyBlue" PointerCapStroke="CornflowerBlue" PointerStroke="CornflowerBlue">

    This will customize the color that the C1RadialGauge.PointerCap is outlined in.

    1. In XAML view add the following <Gauge:C1RadialGauge.PointerCapFill> markup to the <Gauge:C1RadialGauge> tag so that it appears similar to the following:
    Copy Code
    <Gauge:C1RadialGauge Height="226" Margin="22,24,0,12" Name="C1RadialGauge1" Width="256" PointerFill="SkyBlue" PointerCapStroke="CornflowerBlue" PointerStroke="CornflowerBlue" >
                <GradientStop Color="CornflowerBlue" Offset="0"/>
                <GradientStop Color="SkyBlue" Offset="1"/>

    This will add a linear gradient to the C1RadialGauge control's C1RadialGauge.PointerCap.

    Run your project and observe:

    The C1RadialGauge control appears with a customized C1GaugePointer and C1RadialGauge.PointerCap: