ComponentOne OrgChart for UWP
Working with OrgChart for UWP / OrgChart for UWP Appearance Properties / Child Spacing
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    Child Spacing
    In This Topic

    ChildSpacing property: This property allows you to control the separation between items, in pixels. The default value is (20, 20), which spaces items by 20 pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions. For example, setting the ChildSpacing property to (20, 60) would have the following effect:

    Copy Code
    <OrgChart:C1OrgChart Name="_orgChart" Grid.Row="1" Orientation="Vertical" ChildSpacing="20, 60" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" ConnectorStroke="OrangeRed" ConnectorThickness="2" ConnectorDashArray="1 2" Foreground="#FF39B925" />


    See Also