PDF for UWP | ComponentOne
Using PDF for UWP / Adding Text / Measuring Text
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    Measuring Text
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    In many cases, you will need to check whether the string will fit on the page before you render it. You can use the C1PdfDocument.MeasureString method for that. C1PdfDocument.MeasureString returns a SizeF structure that contains the width and height of the string (in points) when rendered with a given font.

    For example, the code below checks to see if a paragraph will fit on the current page and creates a page break if it has to. This will keep paragraphs together on a page:

    Visual Basic
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    Private Function RenderParagraph(text As String, font As Font, rect As Rect, rectPage As Rect) As Rect
        ' Calculate the necessary height.
        Dim sz As SizeF = _c1pdf.MeasureString(text, font, rect.Width)
        rect.Height = sz.Height
        ' If it won't fit this page, do a page break.
        If rect.Bottom > rectPage.Bottom Then
            rect.Y = rectPage.Top
        End If
        ' Draw the string.
        _c1pdf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Black, rect)
        ' Update rectangle for next time.
        Rect.Offset(0, rect.Height)
        Return rect
    End Function
    ' Use the RenderParagraph method.
    Dim font As New Font("Arial", 10)
    Dim rectPage As Rect = _c1pdf.PageRectangle()
    rectPage.Inflate(-72, -72)
    Dim rect As Rect = rectPage
    Dim s As String
    For Each s In  myStringList
        rect = RenderParagraph(s, font, rect, rectPage)
    Next s

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    private Rect RenderParagraph(string text, Font font, Rect rect, Rect rectPage)
        // Calculate the necessary height.
        SizeF sz = _c1pdf.MeasureString(text, font, rect.Width);
        rect.Height = sz.Height;
        // If it won't fit this page, do a page break.
        If (rect.Bottom > rectPage.Bottom)
            rect.Y = rectPage.Top;
        // Draw the string.
        _c1pdf.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Black, rect);
        // Update rectangle for next time.
        Rect.Offset(0, rect.Height);
        return rect;
    // Use the RenderParagraph method.
    Font font = new Font("Arial", 10);
    Rect rectPage = _c1pdf.PageRectangle();
    rectPage.Inflate(-72, -72);
    Rect rect = rectPage;
    foreach (string s in myStringList)
        rect = RenderParagraph(s, font, rect, rectPage);