ComponentOne UWP Edition Release History
UWP Edition Release History / 2016 v1
In This Topic
    2016 v1
    In This Topic


    Bug Fix

    • [C1TreeView] Fixed the issue where LineStroke and MouseOverBrush properties are not applied.


    • Added support for MenuFlyoutItems in C1CommandExtensions.


    First release of C1.UWP.FlexViewer assembly.

    Excel for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where excel file is not exported correctly while exporting styles and merging cells of C1Excel.
    • Fixed the issue where Invalid Excel OpenXmlFile (*.xlsx) exception is thrown while importing an Excel (.xlsx) file generated using Alto Mapforce or Telerik SpreadSheetProcessing for Wpf with C1Excel.
    • Fixed the issue where the position of a string changes to BottomAligned in the output.

    FlexChart for UWP

    Beta release

    FlexReport for UWP

    Beta release

    Gauge for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the default value for FontFamily in C1GaugeDecorators.C1GaugeLabel property does not exist.
    • Fixed the issue where PointerStroke and PointerStrokeThickness properties are not showing any effect in C1Knob.

    Pdf for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where other system fonts do not get applied to C1PDF.
    • Fixed the issue where color for a pie chart is not exported correctly to pdf file.
    • Fixed the issue where NullReference exception occurs when saving a pdf file having an attachment.


    • Common code with C1Pdf for WinForms.
    • Added support for embedded fonts (TrueType fonts, FontType property).
    • Added support for PDF/A format.
    • Implemented some changes to support bookmarks and links for FlexReport. Also, added a new AddBookmark method.

    PdfViewer for UWP

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where an error image gets displayed instead of smiles while loading a pdf file in C1PdfViewer.

    RichTextBox for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where on-screen keyboard always opens in upper case on Windows 10 Tablet.
    • Fixed the issue where space could not be added before a table.

    TileView for UWP

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where ButtonBackground and ButtonForeground properties were irrelevant since there is no button in C1TileView.

    Word for UWP

    Beta release