ComponentOne UWP Edition Release History
UWP Edition Release History / 2017 v1
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    2017 v1
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    UWP Edition

    Breaking change

    • [C1TreeViewItem] Removed HeaderEditor template part from the C1TreeViewItem control which should not affect control functionality in any way.

    Bug Fixes

    • [NumericBox] Fixed the issue where selection flicker in text area of NumericBox while using Up/Down arrow keys for performing increment/decrement operation.
    • [NumericBox] Fixed the issue where digits can not be deleted by pressing "Delete" repeatedly if "Format" property is set as Percent(P0).
    • [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where while selecting a tab item in C1TabControl only the text in it get selected which looks inconsistent in the tab strip.
    • [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where enabling/disabling the C1TabControl resets the selected tab to the tab at index 0.

    Bitmap for UWP


    • Added the CreateImage method to C1Bitmap which creates the internal image of the given size with content that is not initialized.
    • Added the Import(C1Bitmap) method for more efficient copying the image between instances of C1Bitmap.

    Excel for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown on loading an Excel file by C1Excel.
    • Fixed the issue where C1Excel replaces "@" symbol to new line"\n".
    • Fixed the issue where multiple issues are observed on loading .xlsx file that contains cells with thousand separators and 11 decimal values.
    • Fixed the issue where the cursor is not shown in C1FlexGrid edit mode on loading .xlsx excel file to C1FlexGrid by using LoadExcel() method.
    • Fixed the issue where height of the image is reduced when image is added and saved to excel file using C1Excel.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Invalid Excel OpenXml file' erroroccurs on opening an excel file containing TabColor and formula after saving as another one.

    FlexChart for UWP


    • Now supports PlotAreas.
    • Now supports axis binding.
    • Added ErrorBar and BoxWhisker series.
    • Added Fibonacci tools.
    • Added Envelops and Bollinger Bands overlay series.
    • Added MACD, Stochastic indicators.

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1FlexPie] Fixed the issue where multiple issues are observed when setting some value to DataLabelPosition , Offset, SelectedItemOffset and 1 to InnerRadius.
    • [C1FlexPie] Fixed the issue where IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown by shrinking form size when DataLabelPosition is set to any position other than 'None'.
    • Fixed the issue where AxisY of series is not placed close to MajorGrid.
    • Fixed the issue where ErrorBar disappears on changing the ChartType to "Area" or "SplineArea" in C1FlexChart.
    • Fixed the issue where part of DataSeries exceeding PlotAreas is not cut off in FlexChart on setting FlexChart.AxisY.Min/Max value.
    • Fixed the issue where dotted line of Series is shown as solid line in exported SVG image while setting of 'StrokeDashArray' property.
    • Fixed the issue where legend text are not rendered evenly to legend icon when exporting FlexChart to SVG format.
    • Fixed the issue where part of series covers AxisY when exporting FlexChart to SVG format.
    • Fixed the issue where FlexChart is not clipped in the exported image.
    • Fixed the issue where the StrokeDashArray is not applied to FlexChart while setting FunnelType as Rectangle and RenderMode as Direct2D.

    FlexGrid for UWP

    Breaking change

    • Removed obsolete ShowGroups property.


    • Improved loading and scrolling performance.
    • Default value of GridLinesVisibility property is changed to GridLinesVisibility.All.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where FlexGrid gets distorted on resizing the frozen column while grouped data by C1CollectionView is bounded.

    FlexReport for UWP


    • [FlexViewer] Added reference to C1.UWP.Bitmap.dll.
    • [FlexViewer] Added the UseIncrementalSearch property to C1FlexViewer indicating if "search as you type" method of search should be used.
    • [FlexViewer] Added the MatchWholeWord property to C1FlexViewer indicating if search should match the whole word.
    • [FlexViewer] Added the MatchCase property to C1FlexViewer indicating if search should match case.
    • [FlexViewer] Added the CollectSearchHistory property to C1FlexViewer indicating if the search history should be collected and shown when the user types in the search box.
    • [FlexViewer] Added the SearchHistory runtime property to C1FlexViewer returning the list of the collected search strings.
    • [FlexViewer] The error message text is shown on a page that can not be rendered because of an internal error.
    • [FlexViewer] Added the print option that allows to specify the number of copies.

    Bug Fix

    • Fixed the issue where exception occurs during report rendering if report contains SubreportField and SubreportFilter expression.

    Gauge for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1Knob] Fixed the issue where the PointerCapFill, PointerCapStrokeThickness proeprties don't work.

    InputPanel for UWP


    • First Release.

    PDF for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where the pdf file output with arabic text have some scrambled text.

    RichTextBox for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where all the pasted text is not removed at once by an Undo (Ctrl+Z ) action.

    Word for UWP


    • Changed DOCX format reader to support merged cells of the table.
    • Added ForeColor for Word/RTF paragraph object.
    • Added support expand (spacing between characters) value for DOCX format.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where "System.InvalidCastException" exception is thrown on loading the rtf file containing table.
    • Fixed the issue where "System.FormatException" is thrown on loading the certain docx file.
    • Fixed the issue where text jump to the new line in exported docx file when RenderObjects use BaseNine fonts.
    • Fixed the issue where image in the MS Word file is not retained on loading to C1WordDocument and saving with Docx format.
    • Fixed the issue where text do not fit into field's bound in RTF/Word/Excel exported file on using "TextFitMode".
    • Fixed the issue where forecolor of RTF paragraph is not affected on saving the C1WordDocument with RTF format.
    • Fixed the issue where an unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in C1.WPF.Word.4.dll.

    Other Breaking Changes

    • [C1Document] Now C1.UWP.Document references C1.UWP.Bitmap.

    Other Improvements

    • [C1Document] Added property:
      bool C1PdfDocumentSource.UseSystemRendering { get; set; }
      Allows to select the engine used to render PDF files. True (the default value) indicates that the system API available on Windows 10 will be used. It provides better fidelity but does not support text search or selection. False indicates that the built-in renderer will be used. It supports text search and selection, but is currently less accurate.

    Other Bug Fixes

    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where exception occurs during rendering PDF documents if C1PdfDocumentSource.UseSystemRendering is false.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where C1PdfDocumentSource.LoadFromStreamAsync() fails with exception in some scenarios.
    • [C1Document] Fixed the issue where fail to export exception is thrown on exporting PDF document to excel file.