ComponentOne UWP Edition Release History
UWP Edition Release History / 2018 v2
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    2018 v2
    In This Topic

    UWP Edition

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1TreeView] Fixed the issue where C1TreeView cannot be expanded/collapsed by using keyboard when it has been focused by tabulation.
    • [C1DropDown] Fixed the issue where MouseOverBrush is not shown when hover the mouse on dropdown button.

    BarCode for UWP


    • Added new bar code types: MicroQRCode, ITF14, Code11, SSCC18, Telepen, Pharmacode, PZN, HIBCCode128, HIBCCode39, ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, Iata25, Bc412, Plessey, IntelligentMailPackage.
    • Added new options: MicroQRCodeOption

    Document for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where certain PDF files can not be exported to HTML.
    • Fixed the issue where certain PDF files can not be loaded by C1PdfDocumentSource.
    • Fixed the issue where certain PDF files rendered incorrectly.


    • PDF files containing dashed lines can be rendered incorrectly.
    • Added support (PDF view) of CFF type fonts (Type1).

    ExpressionEditor for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where tooltip of expression is not shown when UnderlineError and SyntaxHighlighting is unchecked.


    • Added the AddFunction method to C1ExpressionEditor class. This method adds a custom function to engine of C1ExpressionEditor.
    • Added C1ExpressionEditorPanel.Categories property to customizing categories of the expression items.
    • Added C1ExpressionEditor.InsertCommand property.
    • Use C1WrapPanel as container for operator buttons in the ExpressionEditorPanel.

    Breaking Changes

    • Added new method AddFunction into the IExpressionLexer interface.

    FlexChart for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where "NullReferenceException" is thrown in designer when adding MACD indicator series (MACD and MACD Histogram).
    • Fixed the issue where clicking on Legend items of FlexPie does not select the corresponding point in FlexPie.
    • Fixed the issue where LineMarker does not parse the content string to replace keywords with corresponding values.
    • Fixed the issue where FlexGrid axis minor tickmarks are now correctly based on the Axis.MinorTickMarks setting instead of Axis.MajorTickMarks setting.
    • Fixed the issue where AxisX Labels are incorrect when binding with series.BindingX to string data type.
    • Fixed the issue where no data point is plotted when setting invalid BindingX value.
    • Fixed the issue where TreeMap's data labels now support wrapping and trimming according to DataLabel.ContentOptions. The default value for content options is WordWrap.


    • Added axis TimeUnits enumeration and Axis.TimeUnit property.  Used in combination with Axis.MajorUnit, the Axis.TimeUnit property allows expression of MajorUnit in terms of calendar periods such as Week, Month, Year instead of only days.
    • Added Axis.LabelMin and Axis.LabelMax Boolean properties which when true forces the labeling of axis extremes.
    • Added axis grouping expand/collapse through the addition of the Axis.GroupVisibilityLevel property. The absolute value Axis.GroupVisibilityLevel specifies the most expanded level of the groups moving away from the anchor. Positive values specify the anchor at the highest level, negative values specify the anchor at level 1.
    • Added public class DateTimeGroupProvider.  This built-in class manages typical axis groupings for various dated axis durations.
    • Added new C1.WPF.FlexChart.Extended.dll that includes various extended charting features.
    • Added new Heatmap series class that allows to create different heatmap visualizations(C1.WPF.FlexChart.Extended.dll).
    • Improved performance of area charts with large data in DirectX rendering mode.
    • Added new FrequencyPolygon mode to Histogram series class that allows to show the frequency of original data as a polygon.
    • Added new Ichimoku cloud overlay to FinancialChart.
    • Added new NormalCurve object to Histogram series class that allows to show a Gaussian curve together with the histogram chart.
    • Improved LineMarker feature to allow moving/dragging after the position properties are specified.

    FlexGrid for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs on changing DataContext while check box cell has focus.
    • Fixed the issue where with SelectionMode = ListBox, resizing a non-selected row resizes selected rows too.

    FlexReport for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where report rendered incorrectly if all records of report's data source filtered out by Filter expression.

    Input for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • [C1MultiSelect][C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where selected Item Tag is not properly shown and gets clipped in DisplayArea when SelectionMode is set "Tag" at MultiSelect's original width and height.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList] Fixed the issue where KeyNavigation[Up/Down key] does not work correctly while selecting items.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where System.NullReferenceException is thrown when entering text after deleting selected item in DisplayArea.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where SelectedIndex is not shown correctly when SelectAll the MultiSelect Dropdown items.
    • [C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where no scrollbar is shown when the Text/Tag DisplayMode texts are exceed the display area although TapWrapping is checked.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where application break and control's size is changed when the same control is dragged/dropped to Form for the second time.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where selected item can be removed by backspace in DisplayMode=Tag on setting IsEditable=false at Design Time.
    • [C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where tags are wrapped in Display Area although TagWrapping is unckecked in Tag DisplayMode.
    • [MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where inconsistent behaviors of MultiSelect width are observed in UWP when control is dragged and dropped to form toolbox.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where PlaceHolder text is shown in DisplayArea when changing DisplayMode from "Text" to "Tag".
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where item containing space character at first place disappears in Display Area and it's state changes to uncheck at dropdown list when focus is out of the Display Area.
    • [C1CheckList] Fixed the issue where selection highlight color doesn't show on keyboard navigation in C1CheckList.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where selection highlight color is not shown in C1MultiSelect dropdown for keyboard navigation.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where dropdown does not open/close using shortcut keys(F4/Esc/Spacebar) in C1MultiSelect dropdown.
    • [C1TagEditor] Fixed the issue where deleted items are shown again in TagEditor when adding new Items in "Text" DisplayMode at runtime.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where dropdown items can not be selected by "Enter" or "Spacebar" keys from keyboard in C1MultiSelect controls.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Fixed the issue where selected items and selection highlight color are not shown in display area and dropdown list although item is checked in dropdown part by using "Spacebar" key from keyboard.


    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList] Support set C1MultiSelect/C1CheckList's ItemsSource as grouped data source will show grouped items.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList] Add GroupStyle, IsGrouping and GroupStyleSelector properties for group feature.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList][C1TagEditor] Set default Width and Height of Input controls when drag and drop control to the form toolbox.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Added AutoCompleteMode for C1MultiSelect, in AutoCompleteMode enums there are four values:
      • None - Disables the automatic completion feature.
      • Append - Appends the remainder of the most likely candidate string to the existing characters, highlighting the appended characters.
      • Suggest - Displays the auxiliary drop-down list associated with the edit control. This drop-down is populated with one or more suggested completion strings.
      • SuggestAppend - Applies both Append and Suggest options.

      If set AutoCompleteMode or AutoSuggestMode as None will disable current filter feature as behavior as WF ComboBox.
      The default value of AutoCompleteMode is Suggest.
    • [C1CheckList] Add Keyboard support for C1CheckList. C1CheckList keyboard behavior as follow:
      Type Up,Down,PageUp,PageDown,Home and End key if SelectionMode as Single and Expend navigation to specific item and selected it will raise SelectionChanged event. Type pre key with Ctrl with same selection mode, item show navigation highlighting but not selected item until type Enter.
      Type pre key when SelectionMode as Multiple item show navigation highlighting but not selected item until type Enter.
      Navigation highlighting color used as MouseOverBrush.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Add Keyboard support for C1MultiSelect when suggest list popup.
      Type Up and Down will navigate to next or previous item.
      Type Enter will selected item form suggest list.
    • [C1Tag] Add ContentUpdating event customer can cancel tag content updating and return to EditMode.
    • [C1TagEditor] Add TagUpdating event customer can cancel current updating tag and return this specific tag to EditMode.
    • [C1TagEditor] Enter key can add last input whatever tag mode and text mode.

    Breaking Changes

    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList] Changed SelectedItems property type form IEmunable to IList<object>/IList in WPF/UWP.
      SelectedItems Property as read only, use SelectedItems.Add method instead of set SelectedItems value.
    • [C1MultiSelect] Change inherit from C1ItemsControl to ItemsControl.
    • [C1CheckList] Change inherit from C1ListBox to ListBox.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList] Unity SelectionMode property for C1MultiSelect and C1CheckList.
      For WPF as System.Windows.Controls.SelectionMode.
      For UWP as Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SelectionMode.
    • [C1MultiSelect][C1CheckList] Changed Items property type form C1ItemsCollection to MS ItemsCollection.

    Word for UWP

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where content of "Export UI" page in the product sample "WordSample" are distorted in both Docx and RTF file.
    • Fixed the issue where loading Docx file into C1Word (invalid) creates issue.
    • Fixed the issue where alignment of text and image in the MS document are missing when read/write in another C1WordDocument.
    • Fixed the issue where alignment and FontStyle of RTFParagraph are affected to the adjacent RTFString with different behavior in (.docx) and (.rtf) files.
    • Fixed the issue where forecolor of RTFParagraph is affected to the adjacent RtfDateField when save the document with (.rtf) format.
    • Fixed the issue where support text format Save (only text string in paragraphs) method.