ComponentOne AppView for ASP.NET WebForms
Tutorials / Creating an Event Planning Application / Step 2 of 4: Creating the Application's Web Forms / a. Adding Markup to the Main.aspx file
In This Topic
    a. Adding Markup to the Main.aspx file
    In This Topic
    1. Double-click your Main.aspx file to open it.
    2. Directly below the Page call, add the following to register the C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.4 assembly:

      To write code in Source View

      <%@ Register Assembly="C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.4" Namespace="C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1AppView" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
    3. Locate the <form> </form> tags on your page. Insert the following markup between the tags:

      To write code in Source View

      <div data-role="page">
              <cc1:C1AppView ID="C1AppView1" runat="server" >
                  <LoadSettings Type="Get" LoadMsgDelay="100" />
                                        This application was built with Wijmo, jQuery Mobile. Learn more about Wijmo at <a href=""></a>.
                                 <cc1:C1AppViewItem Text="Events List" AppViewPageUrl="/Event/Index.aspx"></cc1:C1AppViewItem>
                                 <cc1:C1AppViewItem Text="Calendar view" AppViewPageUrl="/Calendar/Index.aspx"></cc1:C1AppViewItem>
                                 <cc1:C1AppViewItem Text="About" AppViewPageUrl="/Home/About.aspx"></cc1:C1AppViewItem>
                                 <cc1:C1AppViewItem Text="Contact" AppViewPageUrl="/Home/Contact.aspx"></cc1:C1AppViewItem>