ComponentOne BarChart for ASP.NET WebForms
Bar Chart Elements / Axes
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    The X and Y properties of theChartAxes object returns ChartAxis objects that allow you to customize the appearance of the chart axes. The axes are represented by sub-properties of the ChartAxes property: X andY. Each of these properties returns a ChartAxis object with the following main properties:
    Axis Property Description
    Alignment A value that indicates the alignment of the axis text. The default value for this property is ChartAxisAlignment.Center.
    AnnoFormatString A value that indicates the format string of annotation.
    AnnoMethod A value that indicates the method of annotation. The default value for this property is ChartAxisAnnoMethod.Values.
    AutoMajor A value that indicates whether the major tick mark values are calculated automatically. The default value for this property is true.
    AutoMax A value that indicates whether the maximum axis value is calculated automatically.
    AutoMin A value that indicates whether the minimum axis value is calculated automatically. The default value for this property is True.
    AutoMinor A value that indicates whether the minor tick mark values are calculated automatically. The default value for this property is true.
    Compass A value that indicates the compass of the axis. The default value for this property is ChartCompass.South.
    GridMajor A value that provides information for the major grid line.
    GridMinor A value that provides information for the minor grid line.
    Labels A value that provides information for the labels.
    Max A value that indicates the maximum value of the axis. The default value for this property is 0.
    Min A value that indicates the minimum value of the axis. The default value for this property is 0.
    Origin A value that indicates the origin value of the axis.
    Style A value that indicates the style of the axis.
    Text A value that indicates the text of the axis.
    TextStyle A value that indicates the style of text of the axis.
    TextVisible A value that indicates the visibility of the axis text. The default value for this property is True.
    TickMajor A value that provides information for the major tick.
    TickMinor A value that provides information for the minor tick.
    UnitMajor A value that indicates the units between major tick marks. The default value for this property is 0.
    UnitMinor A value that indicates the units between minor tick marks. The default value for this property is 0.
    ValueLabels A value that shows a collection of valueLabels for the axis.
    Visible A value that indicates the visibility of the axis. The default value for this property is True.
    See Also