ComponentOne BarChart for ASP.NET WebForms
Quick Start / Step 3 of 4: Customizing the BarChart
In This Topic
    Step 3 of 4: Customizing the BarChart
    In This Topic

    In this topic you will customize the axis annotation.

    1. In design view select the Bar Chart and expand the Axis ->Y ->Labels->AxisLabelStyle and set the Rotation property to 60.
    2. Set the AnnoFormatString property to c for the Y-Axis.
      This will change the y-axis annotation to currency.
    3. Expand Axis -> X and set the Max property to 500.
    4. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->X->Labels->AxisLabelStyle and set FontSize to 11.
    5. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->Y->Labels->AxisLabelStyle and set FontSize to 11.
    6. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->Y and set Text to Price.
    7. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->Y->TextStyle->Fill and set color to Black.
    8. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->Y->TextStyle and set FontSize to 11.
    9. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->X and set Text to Kitchen Electronics.
    10. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->X->TextStyle and set FontSizeto 11.
    11. In the C1BarChart properties window expand Axis->X->TextStyle->Fill and set color to Black.
    12. In the C1BarChart properties window expand ChartLabelStyle and set FontSize to 10.
    13. Set the BarChart Width property to 400 and BarChart Height to 300.
    14. In the C1BarChart properties set the ClusterWidth to 70.
    See Also