ComponentOne Calendar for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Setting the Mininum and Maximum Date Ranges
In This Topic
    Setting the Mininum and Maximum Date Ranges
    In This Topic

    The following steps shows how to set the MinDate property and the MaxDate property to show a specific range of dates:

    In Design View:

    1. Add a C1Calendar to your Web form.
    2. In C1Calendar's Properties window, click on the drop-down button in the MinDate property and set it to 3/14/2012.
    3. Set the MaxDate property to 3/21/2012.

    In Source View:

    To write code in Source View

    <cc1:C1Calendar ID="C1Calendar1" runat="server" MaxDate="2012-03-21" 

    This topic illustrates the following:

    The following calendar displays a specific range of dates from March 14, 2012 to March 21, 2012:

    See Also