ComponentOne Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Customizing the C1Dialog Control / Customizing the Caption Bar
In This Topic
    Customizing the Caption Bar
    In This Topic

    This topic will take you through customizing the buttons that appear on the Caption Bar both in the Design View and in the Source View.

    In Design View

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Navigate to the C1Dialog Properties window to find the CaptionButtons property.
    2. Use the arrow to expand the property node.
    3. Expand each of the CaptionButtons nodes to see their properties.
    4. Find the Visible property for each CaptionButton and set it to True or False. Your Property window should resemble the following image:


    5. Press F5 or start debugging to run your program.

      Note that the Caption Bar Button items you set to False are no longer visible.

    In Source View

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Insert the following markup between the <cc1:C1Dialog> tags:

      To write code in Source View


      <Pin IconClassOn="ui-icon-pin-w" IconClassOff="ui-icon-pin-s"></Pin>
      <Refresh IconClassOn="ui-icon-refresh" Visible="False"></Refresh>
      <Minimize IconClassOn="ui-icon-minus"></Minimize>
      <Maximize IconClassOn="ui-icon-extlink"></Maximize>
      <Close IconClassOn="ui-icon-close" Visible="False"></Close>

    2. Press F5 or start debugging to run the program. Note that the Caption Bar buttons with a Visible proberty set to False do not appear.