ComponentOne Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms
Quick Start / Step 2 of 3: Customize the Dialog Window
In This Topic
    Step 2 of 3: Customize the Dialog Window
    In This Topic

    In this step you'll change the appearance and behavior of the dialog window you created in the last step. Complete the following steps to customize your Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms dialog window:

    1. Select the C1Dialog smart tag to open the C1Dialog Tasks menu and set the following:
      • Uncheck the ShowOnLoad check box so that the control is not initially visible when the application is run.
      • Select rocket in the Theme drop-down box to change the appearance of the dialog window.
    2. Click once on the C1Dialog control to select it and set the following properties in the Properties window:
      • Set the Title property to "C1Dialog says..." to set the caption bar title.
      • Set the Height to 200 to increase the size of the dialog window.
    3. Click once in the Content Area of the dialog window and type "Hello World!" to add text content to your dialog window. Note that the markup now appears similar to the following:

      To write code in Source View

      <cc1:C1Dialog ID="C1Dialog1" runat="server" Height="200px" Title="C1Dialog says...">
      <Pin IconClassOn="ui-icon-pin-w" IconClassOff="ui-icon-pin-s"></Pin>
      <Refresh IconClassOn="ui-icon-refresh"></Refresh>
      <Minimize IconClassOn="ui-icon-minus"></Minimize>
      <Maximize IconClassOn="ui-icon-extlink"></Maximize>
      <Close IconClassOn="ui-icon-close"></Close>
      Hello World!

    You've completed step two of the Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms quick start guide. In the next step you'll run the project.