ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET WebForms
jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview Namespace / options type / data Option
In This Topic
    data Option
    In This Topic
    Determines the datasource. Possible datasources include: 1. A DOM table. This is the default datasource, used if the data option is null. Table must have no cells with rowSpan and colSpan attributes. 2. A two-dimensional array, such as [[0, "a"], [1, "b"]]. 3. An array of objects, such as [{field0: 0, field1: "a"}, {field0: 1, field1: "b'}]. 4. A wijdatasource. 5. A wijdataview.
    // Get value
    var value; // Type:  any
    value = $(".selector").c1gridview("option", "data");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  any
    $(".selector").c1gridview("option", "data", newValue);
    var data : any;
    // DOM table
    // two-dimensional array
    $("#element").wijgrid({ data: [[0, "a"], [1, "b"]] });
    Browser Compatibility
    See Also