ComponentOne GridView for ASP.NET WebForms
jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview Namespace / options type / rendered Event
The jQuery.Event object.
In This Topic
    rendered Event
    In This Topic
    The rendered event handler is a function that is called when the wijgrid is rendered. Normally you do not need to use this event.
    var options; // Type:  jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview.options
          // Create a new c1gridview widget
          // Get a previously created c1gridview widget instance
          var widgetInstance; // Type:  jQuery.wijmo.c1gridview
          widgetInstance = $(".selector").data("wijmo-c1gridview");
          // Set rendered event handler function
    widgetInstance.option("rendered", function (e) { } );
    rendered = function ( 
       e : Object
    ) { };


    The jQuery.Event object.
    	rendered: function (e) {
    You can bind to the event either by type or by name. Bind to the event by name: $("#element").wijgrid({ rendered: function (e) { // some code here }}); * Bind to the event by type: $("#element").bind("wijgridrendered", function (e) { // some code here });
    See Also