ComponentOne ProgressBar for ASP.NET Web Forms
Appearance and Behavior / ToolTips
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    In This Topic

    You can use the ToolTip property to create a user-friendly interface. ToolTips are graphic user interface elements that are used to provide users with information regarding a UI element. When users hover over the element with their cursor, a box will appear with the additional information.

    The C1ProgressBar control's ToolTip is usually used to inform users about the process that is taking place; it lets users know how much longer the process will be.

    The C1ProgressBar control's ToolTip can display any one of these six formats:

    Topic Description
    {0} or {ProgressValue} Displays the current progress.
    {1} or {PercentProgress Displays the current percent progress.
    {2} or {RemainingProgress} Displays the progress needed to complete the task.
    {3} or {PercentageRemaining} Displays the percentage of the process remaining.
    {4} or {Min} Displays the value of the MinValue property.
    {5} or {Max} Displays the value of the MaxValue property.
    See Also