ComponentOne Wijmo Open for Juice UI
Wijmo Open for Juice UI Extender Controls / WijExpander / WijExpander Tutorial / Step 1 of 4: Creating Expanding Content
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    Step 1 of 4: Creating Expanding Content
    In This Topic

    In this topic you will add some content to a Panel control which will later become expanding text.

    1. In your Web application, add a standard Panel control to the main content of  your page.
    2. Add some content for the expanding panel and header. For example:
    <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
                      Vestibulum ut eros non enim commodo hendrerit. Donec porttitor tellus non magna.
                      Nam ligula elit, pretium et, rutrum non, hendrerit id, ante. Nunc mauris sapien, cursus in.

    In the next step, you will add a WijExpander to the page.