ComponentOne Wijmo Open for Juice UI
Wijmo Open for Juice UI Extender Controls / WijSuperPanel / WijSuperPanel Tutorial / Step 1 of 4: Creating the Panel
In This Topic
    Step 1 of 4: Creating the Panel
    In This Topic

    In this topic you will add a Panel control with some formatted content.

    1. Create an ASP.NET Web application with a ScriptManager control and install Juice UI and the Wijmo Juice libraries to your project via NuGet.
    2. In the Visual Studio Toolbox, double-click the Panel control to add a panel to the main content of your page.
    3. Add some content to the panel. For example:
      <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="300" Width="300">
            <div class="elements">
                      <li style="background: AliceBlue;"><span>AliceBlue</span></li>
                      <li style="background: AntiqueWhite;"><span>AntiqueWhite</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Aqua;"><span>Aqua</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Aquamarine;"><span>Aquamarine</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Azure;"><span>Azure</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Beige;"><span>Beige</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Bisque;"><span>Bisque</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Black;"><span>Black</span></li>
                      <li style="background: BlanchedAlmond;"><span>BlanchedAlmond</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Blue;"><span>Blue</span></li>
                      <li style="background: BlueViolet;"><span>BlueViolet</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Brown;"><span>Brown</span></li>
                      <li style="background: BurlyWood;"><span>BurlyWood</span></li>
                      <li style="background: CadetBlue;"><span>CadetBlue</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Chartreuse;"><span>Chartreuse</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Chocolate;"><span>Chocolate</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Coral;"><span>Coral</span></li>
                      <li style="background: CornflowerBlue;"><span>CornflowerBlue</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Cornsilk;"><span>Cornsilk</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Crimson;"><span>Crimson</span></li>
                      <li style="background: Cyan;"><span>Cyan</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkBlue;"><span>DarkBlue</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkCyan;"><span>DarkCyan</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkGoldenrod;"><span>DarkGoldenrod</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkGray;"><span>DarkGray</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkGreen;"><span>DarkGreen</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkKhaki;"><span>DarkKhaki</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkMagenta;"><span>DarkMagenta</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkOliveGreen;"><span>DarkOliveGreen</span></li>
                      <li style="background: DarkOrange;"><span>DarkOrange</span></li>
    4. Format the content with a CSS so it appears a little cleaner by adding the following markup within the <asp:Content> tags for the HeaderContent. Add the following:
      <asp:Content ID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent">
       <style type="text/css">
              .elements ul
                  padding: 8px 0 0 8px;
                  margin: 0px;
                  width: 840px;
                  float: left;
              .elements ul li
                  background: #fff;
                  color: #fff;
                  font-weight: 900;
                  height: 70px;
                  margin: 0 8px 8px 0;
                  padding: 0;
                  padding-top: 62px;
                  position: relative;
                  text-align: center;
                  width: 132px;
              .elements li
                  float: left;
                  list-style: none;

      Next, add a WijSuperPanel control and associate it with the panel.