DataFilter for WinForms | ComponentOne
Walkthrough / Using DataFilter with FlexChart
In This Topic
    Using DataFilter with FlexChart
    In This Topic

    DataFilter allows you to add different controls as custom filters. The custom filters can be added to DataFilter for filtering data using complex data visualization controls, such as FlexChart and Maps. This walkthrough uses FlexChart as a custom filter in DataFilter to filter FlexGrid data.

    The following GIF shows FlexGrid data getting filtered based on the category selection in the custom filter "Category-wise Sales" from the DataFilter UI:

    DataFilter with FlexChart

    To create a custom filter using FlexChart, complete the following steps:

    Step 1: Setting up the Application UI

    1. Create a new Windows Forms App.
    2. Drag and drop the MS SplitContainer from the Toolbox onto your form to create separate panels for placing controls.
    3. Drag and drop the DataFilter control from the Toolbox onto Panel1 of the SplitContainer control to display the custom filter. Set its Dock property to Fill.
    4. Drag and drop the FlexGrid control from the Toolbox onto Panel2 of the SplitContainer control to display sales data. Set its Dock property to Fill.
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    Step 2: Create the View

    1. Create a class named FlexChartFilterView to be used as a View for using FlexChart as a Filter and update the class constructor using the following code.
      Visual Basic
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      Private _selectedIndices As List(Of Integer)
      Private _items As IEnumerable(Of Object)
      Private _chbClear As CheckBox
      Protected FlowLayoutPanel _pnlControlOptions
      Public ReadOnly Property Chart As FlexChart
              Return _chart
          End Get
      End Property
      Public ReadOnly Property IsFilterApplied As Boolean
              Return Not _chbClear.Checked
          End Get
      End Property
      Public Event SelectionChanged As EventHandler
      Public Sub FlexChartFilterView(ByVal items As IEnumerable(Of Object), ByVal bindingX As String, ByVal binding As String, ByVal Optional chartType As ChartType = ChartType.Column)
          _selectedIndices = New List(Of Integer)()
          Me._items = items
          _chart = New FlexChart() With {
              .ChartType = chartType,
              .DataSource = items,
              .BindingX = bindingX,
              .Binding = binding,
              .BackColor = Color.White,
              .Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
              .Margin = New Padding(0, 30, 0, 0)
          Dim ser = New Series()
          Me.Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke = Brushes.DarkBlue
          Me.Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth = 2
          Me.Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.CornflowerBlue))
          Me.Chart.ToolTip.Content = "X: {x} " & vbLf & "Y: {y}"
          Me.Chart.AxisX.LabelMax = CSharpImpl.__Assign(Me.Chart.AxisX.LabelMin, True)
          Me.Chart.MouseClick += OnChartMouseClick
          ser.SymbolRendering += OnSeriesSymbolRendering
          _pnlControlOptions = New FlowLayoutPanel() With {
              .FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
              .Dock = DockStyle.Top,
              .Height = 30,
              .AutoScroll = True
          _chbClear = New CheckBox() With {
              .Text = "Clear",
              .Checked = True,
              .Enabled = False,
              .AutoSize = True
          _chbClear.CheckedChanged += Function(s, e) OnClearChanged()
      End Sub
      Copy Code
      private List<int> _selectedIndices;
      private IEnumerable<object> _items;
      private CheckBox _chbClear;
      private FlexChart _chart;
      protected FlowLayoutPanel _pnlControlOptions;
      public FlexChart Chart { get { return _chart; } }
      public bool IsFilterApplied
          get { return !_chbClear.Checked; }
      /// <summary>
      /// Raised when the selection changes by mouse click.
      /// </summary>
      public event EventHandler SelectionChanged;
      public FlexChartFilterView(IEnumerable<object> items,
          string bindingX,
          string binding,
          ChartType chartType = ChartType.Column)
          _selectedIndices = new List<int>();
          this._items = items;
          // Initialize Chart
          _chart = new FlexChart()
              ChartType = chartType,
              DataSource = items,
              BindingX = bindingX,
              Binding = binding,
              BackColor = Color.White,
              Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
              Margin = new Padding(0, 30, 0, 0)
          var ser = new Series();
          this.Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke = Brushes.DarkBlue;
          this.Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth = 2;
          this.Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.CornflowerBlue));
          this.Chart.ToolTip.Content = "X: {x} \nY: {y}";
          this.Chart.AxisX.LabelMax = this.Chart.AxisX.LabelMin = true;
          // Use MouseClick event on chart to update the Selected/Filtered items
          this.Chart.MouseClick += OnChartMouseClick;
          // Use SymbolRendering event on series for rendering Selected/Filtered items(data-points) with the SelectionStyle
          ser.SymbolRendering += OnSeriesSymbolRendering;
          _pnlControlOptions = new FlowLayoutPanel()
              FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
              Dock = DockStyle.Top,
              Height = 30,
              AutoScroll = true,
          _chbClear = new CheckBox()
              Text = "Clear",
              Checked = true,
              Enabled = false,
              AutoSize = true,
          _chbClear.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => OnClearChanged();
    2. Use the MouseClick event on FlexChart for allowing user to filter the rendered data by the clicked items, i.e, data-points.
      Visual Basic
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      Private Sub OnChartMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
          Dim hitTest = Chart.HitTest(e.Location)
          If hitTest.Item IsNot Nothing AndAlso hitTest.Distance = 0 Then
              Dim currentSelected = hitTest.PointIndex
              If Not _selectedIndices.Contains(currentSelected) Then
              End If
          End If
      End Sub
      Copy Code
      private void OnChartMouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
       //Check for the item/data-point at the location of click and change the selection accordingly.
       var hitTest = Chart.HitTest(e.Location);
       if (hitTest.Item != null && hitTest.Distance == 0) {
        var currentSelected = hitTest.PointIndex;
        if (!_selectedIndices.Contains(currentSelected))
    3. Use SymbolRendering event on the series for rendering the selected or filtered items as highlighted.
      Visual Basic
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      Private Sub OnSeriesSymbolRendering(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RenderSymbolEventArgs)
          If _selectedIndices.Contains(e.Index) Then
              If Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke IsNot Nothing Then e.Engine.SetStroke(Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke)
              If Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth > 0 Then e.Engine.SetStrokeThickness(Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth)
              If Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill IsNot Nothing Then e.Engine.SetFill(Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill)
          End If
      End Sub
      Copy Code
      private void OnSeriesSymbolRendering(object sender, RenderSymbolEventArgs e) {
       if (_selectedIndices.Contains(e.Index)) {
        if (Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke != null)
        if (Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth > 0)
        if (Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill != null)
    4. Raise the SelectionChanged event on this view whenever selected or filtered items change.
      Visual Basic
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      Private Sub OnSelectedPointsChanged()
          _chbClear.Checked = If(_selectedIndices.Count = 0, True, False)
          RaiseEvent SelectionChanged(Me, Nothing)
      End Sub
      Copy Code
      private void OnSelectedPointsChanged()
          _chbClear.Checked = _selectedIndices.Count == 0 ? true : false;
          if (SelectionChanged != null)
              SelectionChanged(this, null);
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    Step 3: Create a Custom Filter

    1. Create a class named FlexChartFilter, inheriting CustomFilter class, to be used as a custom filter, initialize FlexChartFilterView and use a control for FlexChartFilter.   
      Visual Basic
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      Public Sub New(ByVal items As IEnumerable(Of Object), ByVal xProperty As String, ByVal yProperty As String, ByVal Optional chartType As ChartType = ChartType.Column, ByVal Optional filterUsingXY As Boolean = False)
              filterView = New FlexChartFilterView(items, xProperty, yProperty, chartType) With {
                  .Height = 250
              Control = filterView
              propertyX = xProperty
              propertyY = yProperty
              Me.filterUsingXY = filterUsingXY
          End Sub
      Copy Code
      public FlexChartFilter(IEnumerable<object> items, string xProperty, string yProperty, ChartType chartType = ChartType.Column, bool filterUsingXY = false)
          // Create FlexChartFilterView instance which provides the UI for this filter.
          filterView = new FlexChartFilterView(items, xProperty, yProperty, chartType) { Height = 250 };
          // Set the FlexChartFilterView as the control to be used for filtering.
          Control = filterView;
          propertyX = xProperty;
          propertyY = yProperty;
          this.filterUsingXY = filterUsingXY;
    2. Subscribe the SelectionChanged event on the view to create/update the FilterExpression.
      Visual Basic
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      'Subscribe SelectionChanged event on filter view for creating the new filter expression when the selected items changes
      Dim args As ValueChangedEventArgs = New ValueChangedEventArgs()
      args.ApplyFilter = True
      filterView.SelectionChanged += Function(s, e) OnValueChanged(args)
      Copy Code
      //Subscribe SelectionChanged event on filter view for creating the new filter expression when the selected items changes
      ValueChangedEventArgs args = new ValueChangedEventArgs();
      args.ApplyFilter = true;
      filterView.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => OnValueChanged(args);
    3. Use the selected items provided by the view for creating the FilterExpression.

      Visual Basic
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      Class SurroundingClass
          Protected Overrides Function GetExpression() As Expression
              Dim selectedItems = filterView.GetSelectedValues()
              Return CreateExpression(selectedItems)
          End Function
          Protected Overrides Sub SetExpression(ByVal expression As Expression)
              Throw New NotImplementedException()
          End Sub
          Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsApplied As Boolean
                  Return filterView.IsFilterApplied
              End Get
          End Property
          Private Function CreateExpression(ByVal selectedItems As IEnumerable(Of Object)) As Expression
              Dim exp As CombinationExpression = New CombinationExpression()
              exp.FilterCombination = C1.DataCollection.FilterCombination.[Or]
              For Each item In selectedItems
                  Dim comboExp = New CombinationExpression() With {
                      .FilterCombination = C1.DataCollection.FilterCombination.[And]
                  comboExp.Expressions.Add(New OperationExpression With {
                      .PropertyName = propertyX,
                      .Value = GetPropertyValue(propertyX, item),
                      .FilterOperation = C1.DataCollection.FilterOperation.Equal
                  If filterUsingXY Then
                      For Each [property] In propertyY.Split(","c)
                          comboExp.Expressions.Add(New OperationExpression With {
                              .PropertyName = [property].Trim(),
                              .Value = GetPropertyValue([property].Trim(), item),
                              .FilterOperation = C1.DataCollection.FilterOperation.Equal
                  End If
              Return exp
          End Function
          Protected Function GetPropertyValue(ByVal name As String, ByVal obj As Object) As Object
              Dim propInfo = obj.[GetType]().GetProperty(name)
              Return propInfo.GetValue(obj)
          End Function
      End Class
      Copy Code
      protected override Expression GetExpression()
          var selectedItems = filterView.GetSelectedValues();
          return CreateExpression(selectedItems);
      protected override void SetExpression(Expression expression)
          throw new NotImplementedException();
      public override bool IsApplied {
      get {
       return filterView.IsFilterApplied; }
      private Expression CreateExpression(IEnumerable<object> selectedItems)
          CombinationExpression exp = new CombinationExpression();
          exp.FilterCombination = C1.DataCollection.FilterCombination.Or;
          //Create Expressions for each selected item
          foreach (var item in selectedItems)
              var comboExp = new CombinationExpression() { FilterCombination = C1.DataCollection.FilterCombination.And };
              //Expression to match X-Value.
              comboExp.Expressions.Add(new OperationExpression
                  PropertyName = propertyX,
                  Value = GetPropertyValue(propertyX, item),
                  FilterOperation = C1.DataCollection.FilterOperation.Equal,
              if (filterUsingXY)
                  //Expressions to match corresponding Y-Values
                  foreach (var property in propertyY.Split(','))
                      comboExp.Expressions.Add(new OperationExpression
                          PropertyName = property.Trim(),
                          Value = GetPropertyValue(property.Trim(), item),
                          FilterOperation = C1.DataCollection.FilterOperation.Equal,
          return exp;
      protected object GetPropertyValue(string name, object obj)
          var propInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty(name);
          return propInfo.GetValue(obj);
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    Step 4: Use the Custom Filter with DataFilter

    1. Bind the FlexGrid control to a data source and update data source when filter condition or expression gets changed.  
      Visual Basic
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      Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
              Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
              salesData = New ObservableCollection(Of Sales)(DataService.GetSalesData(500))
              ' FlexGrid Settings         c1FlexGrid1.DataSourceChanged += AddressOf C1FlexGrid1_DataSourceChanged
              c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = salesData
              ' Set source for DataFilter         c1DataFilter1.DataSource = salesData
              c1DataFilter1.FilterChanged += Function(s, args)
                                                 c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = c1DataFilter1.View.ToList()
                                             End Function
              ' Initialize Custom Filters         InitFilters()
          End Sub 
          Private Sub C1FlexGrid1_DataSourceChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
              For i As Integer = 1 To c1FlexGrid1.Cols.Count - 1
                  c1FlexGrid1.Cols(i).StarWidth = "*"
          End Sub
      Copy Code
      private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
      salesData = new ObservableCollection<Sales>(DataService.GetSalesData(500));
      //FlexGrid Settings
      c1FlexGrid1.DataSourceChanged += C1FlexGrid1_DataSourceChanged;
      c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = salesData;
      // Set source for DataFilter
      c1DataFilter1.DataSource = salesData;           
      c1DataFilter1.FilterChanged += (s, args) =>
          //Reset FlexGrid's DataSource whenever there is change in filter condition/expression.
          c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = c1DataFilter1.View.ToList();
      // Initialize Custom Filters
      private void C1FlexGrid1_DataSourceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
          for (int i = 1; i < c1FlexGrid1.Cols.Count; i++)
              c1FlexGrid1.Cols[i].StarWidth = "*";
    2. Set the AutoGenerateFilters property of DataFilter to false in the Form Load event handler for using custom filters.
      Visual Basic
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      c1DataFilter1.AutoGenerateFilters = false
      Copy Code
      c1DataFilter1.AutoGenerateFilters = false;
    3. Create an instance of the FlexChartFilter and add it to the Filters collection of DataFilter.
      Visual Basic
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      'Initialize Custom Filters : Create and Add the FlexChartFilter to the Filters collection of DataFilter
      Dim categoryWiseSales = salesData.GroupBy(Function(s) s.Category).[Select](Function(grp) New With {Key
              .Category = grp.Key, Key
              .Amount = grp.Sum(Function(item) item.Amount)
          Dim categoryFilter = New FlexChartFilter(categoryWiseSales, "Category", "Amount")
          categoryFilter.HeaderText = "Category-wise Sales"
          categoryFilter.FlexChart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45
      Copy Code
      // Create and Add the FlexChartFilter to the Filters collection of DataFilter           
      var categoryWiseSales = salesData.GroupBy(s => s.Category).Select(grp => new {
       Category = grp.Key, Amount = grp.Sum(item => item.Amount) });
      var categoryFilter = new FlexChartFilter(categoryWiseSales, "Category", "Amount");
      categoryFilter.HeaderText = "Category-wise Sales";
      categoryFilter.FlexChart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;

    Run the application and observe how the data appearing in FlexGrid gets filtered based on the categories selected from the custom filter used in the DataFilter control.
    Now, you can change the filter values in the DataFilter UI and see how the FlexGrid renders the filtered data.

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    To create a custom filter using FlexChart, complete the following steps:

    Step 1: Setting up the Application UI

    1. Create a new Windows Forms App.
    2. Drag and drop the MS SplitContainer from the Toolbox onto your form to create separate panels for placing controls.
    3. Drag and drop the DataFilter control from the Toolbox onto Panel1 of the SplitContainer control to display the custom filter. Set its Dock property to Fill.
    4. Drag and drop the FlexGrid control from the Toolbox onto Panel2 of the SplitContainer control to display sales data. Set its Dock property to Fill.
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    Step 2: Create the View

    1. Create a class named FlexChartFilterView to be used as a View for using FlexChart as a Filter and update the class constructor using the following code.
      Copy Code
      private List <int> _selectedIndices;
      private IEnumerable <object> _items;
      private CheckBox _chbClear;
      protected FlowLayoutPanel _pnlControlOptions;
      public FlexChart Chart {
       get {
        return _chart;
      public bool IsFilterApplied {
       get {
        return !_chbClear.Checked;
      public event EventHandler SelectionChanged;
      public FlexChartFilterView(IEnumerable>object< items,
                  string bindingX,
                  string binding,
                  ChartType chartType = ChartType.Column)
                  _selectedIndices = new List>int<();
                  this._items = items;
                  //Initialize Chart
                  _chart = new FlexChart()
                      ChartType = chartType,
                      DataSource = items,
                      BindingX = bindingX,
                      Binding = binding,
                      BackColor = Color.White,
                      Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                      Margin = new Padding(0, 30, 0, 0)
                  var ser = new Series();
                  this.Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke = Brushes.DarkBlue;
                  this.Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth = 2;
                  this.Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, Color.CornflowerBlue));
                  this.Chart.ToolTip.Content = "X: {x} \nY: {y}";
                  this.Chart.AxisX.LabelMax = this.Chart.AxisX.LabelMin = true;
                  //Subscribe to MouseClick event on chart to update the Selected/Filtered items
                  this.Chart.MouseClick += OnChartMouseClick;
                  //Subscribe to SymbolRendering event on series for rendering Selected/Filtered items(data-points) with the SelectionStyle
                  ser.SymbolRendering += OnSeriesSymbolRendering;
                  _pnlControlOptions = new FlowLayoutPanel()
                      FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
                      Dock = DockStyle.Top,
                      Height = 30,
                      AutoScroll = true,
                  _chbClear = new CheckBox()
                      Text = "Clear",
                      Checked = true,
                      Enabled = false,
                      AutoSize = true,
                  _chbClear.CheckedChanged += (s, e) =< OnClearChanged();
    2. Use the MouseClick event on FlexChart for allowing user to filter the rendered data by the clicked items, i.e, data-points.
      Copy Code
      private void OnChartMouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
       //Check for the item/data-point at the location of click and change the selection accordingly.
       var hitTest = Chart.HitTest(e.Location);
       if (hitTest.Item != null && hitTest.Distance == 0) {
        var currentSelected = hitTest.PointIndex;
        if (!_selectedIndices.Contains(currentSelected))
    3. Use SymbolRendering event on the series for rendering the selected or filtered items as highlighted.
      Copy Code
      private void OnSeriesSymbolRendering(object sender, RenderSymbolEventArgs e) {
       if (_selectedIndices.Contains(e.Index)) {
        if (Chart.SelectionStyle.Stroke != null)
        if (Chart.SelectionStyle.StrokeWidth > 0)
        if (Chart.SelectionStyle.Fill != null)
    4. Raise the SelectionChanged event on this view whenever selected or filtered items change.
      Copy Code
      private void OnSelectedPointsChanged() {
       _chbClear.Checked = _selectedIndices.Count == 0 ? true : false;
       if (SelectionChanged != null)
        SelectionChanged(this, null);
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    Step 3: Create a Custom Filter

    1. Create a class named FlexChartFilter, inheriting CustomFilter class, to be used as a custom filter, initialize FlexChartFilterView and use a control for FlexChartFilter.             
      Copy Code
      public FlexChartFilter(IEnumerable <object> items, string xProperty, string yProperty, ChartType chartType = ChartType.Column, bool filterUsingXY = false) {
       //Create FlexChartFilterView instance which provides the UI for this filter
       filterView = new FlexChartFilterView(items, xProperty, yProperty, chartType) {
        Height = 250
       //Set the FlexChartFilterView as the control to be used for filtering
       Control = filterView;
       propertyX = xProperty;
       propertyY = yProperty;
       this.filterUsingXY = filterUsingXY;
    2. Subscribe the SelectionChanged event on the view to create/update the FilterExpression.
      Copy Code
      //Subscribe SelectionChanged event on filter view for creating the new filter expression when the selected items changes
      ValueChangedEventArgs args = new ValueChangedEventArgs();
      args.ApplyFilter = true;
      filterView.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => OnValueChanged(args);
    3. Use the selected items provided by the view for creating the FilterExpression.

      Copy Code
      protected override Expression GetExpression() {
       var selectedItems = filterView.GetSelectedValues();
       return CreateExpression(selectedItems);
      public override bool IsApplied {
       get {
        return filterView.IsFilterApplied;
      private Expression CreateExpression(IEnumerable < object > selectedItems) {
       CombinationExpression exp = new CombinationExpression();
       exp.FilterCombination = C1.DataCollection.FilterCombination.Or;
       //Create Expressions for each selected item
       foreach(var item in selectedItems) {
        var comboExp = new CombinationExpression() { FilterCombination = C1.DataCollection.FilterCombination.And };
        //Expression to match X-Value.
        comboExp.Expressions.Add(new OperationExpression {
         PropertyName = propertyX,
          Value = GetPropertyValue(propertyX, item),
          FilterOperation = C1.DataCollection.FilterOperation.Equal,
        if (filterUsingXY) {
         //Expressions to match corresponding Y-Values
         foreach(var property in propertyY.Split(',')) {
          comboExp.Expressions.Add(new OperationExpression {
           PropertyName = property.Trim(),
            Value = GetPropertyValue(property.Trim(), item),
            FilterOperation = C1.DataCollection.FilterOperation.Equal,
       return exp;
      protected object GetPropertyValue(string name, object obj) {
       var propInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty(name);
       return propInfo.GetValue(obj);
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    Step 4: Use the Custom Filter with DataFilter

    1. Bind the FlexGrid control to a data source and update data source when filter condition or expression gets changed.   
      Copy Code
      private ObservableCollection <Sales> salesData;
      private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
       salesData = new ObservableCollection <Sales> (DataService.GetSalesData(500));
       //FlexGrid Settings
       c1FlexGrid1.DataSourceChanged += C1FlexGrid1_DataSourceChanged;
       c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = salesData;
      //Set source for DataFilter
      c1DataFilter1.DataSource = salesData;
      c1DataFilter1.FilterChanged += (s, args) =>
       //Reset FlexGrid's DataSource whenever there is change in filter condition/expression
       c1FlexGrid1.DataSource = c1DataFilter1.View.ToList();
      private void C1FlexGrid1_DataSourceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
       for (int i = 1; i < c1FlexGrid1.Cols.Count; i++)
        c1FlexGrid1.Cols[i].StarWidth = "*";
    2. Set the AutoGenerateFilters property of DataFilter to false in the Form Load event handler for using custom filters.
      Copy Code
      c1DataFilter1.AutoGenerateFilters = false;
    3. Create an instance of the FlexChartFilter and add it to the Filters collection of DataFilter.
      Copy Code
      //Initialize Custom Filters : Create and Add the FlexChartFilter to the Filters collection of DataFilter
      var categoryWiseSales = salesData.GroupBy(s => s.Category).Select(grp => new {
       Category = grp.Key, Amount = grp.Sum(item => item.Amount)});
      var categoryFilter = new FlexChartFilter(categoryWiseSales, "Category", "Amount");
      categoryFilter.HeaderText = "Category-wise Sales";
      categoryFilter.FlexChart.AxisX.LabelAngle = 45;

    Run the application and observe how the data appearing in FlexGrid gets filtered based on the categories selected from the custom filter used in the DataFilter control.
    Now, you can change the filter values in the DataFilter UI and see how the FlexGrid renders the filtered data.

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