ComponentOne DynamicHelp for WinForms
Using DynamicHelp for WinForms / For Developers: Mapping at Design Time / Preparing C1DynamicHelp for Authoring Mode
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    Preparing C1DynamicHelp for Authoring Mode
    In This Topic

    To allow Help authors to activate and deactivate C1DynamicHelp authoring mode so that they can map topics in your application, you have a wide variety of options. You can use anything from a special keystroke combination to a registry node that, if present, activates authoring mode.

    This example shows how to specify a keystroke combination.

    1. Specify a source Help file for C1DynamicHelp.
    2. Select your Form and set the KeyPreview property to True in the Properties window.
    3. Select View | Code so you can add code to override the OnKeyDown method and specify a keystroke combination to activate and deactivate authoring mode.
    4. Add the following code:

      To write code in Visual Basic

      Visual Basic
      Copy Code
      ' toggle authoring mode when the user hits Ctrl+Shift+A
      Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
          If (e.KeyCode = Keys.A And e.Control And e.Shift) Then
              C1DynamicHelp1.AuthoringMode = Not C1DynamicHelp1.AuthoringMode
          End If
      End Sub

      To write code in C#

      Copy Code
      // toggle authoring mode when the user hits Ctrl+Shift+A
      override protected void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
          if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A && e.Control && e.Shift)
              c1DynamicHelp1.AuthoringMode = !c1DynamicHelp1.AuthoringMode;

    C1DynamicHelp authoring mode will be activated or deactivated when the user presses the Ctrl+Shift+A keys.