FlexChart | ComponentOne
Walkthrough / Create Custom Legend Icon
In This Topic
    Create Custom Legend Icon
    In This Topic

    By default, the FlexChart control assigns color to each series and creates a legend icon based on the color assigned to the corresponding series. However, you can also create a custom legend icon. For instance, it would make it easier for user to read the data if country flags are displayed as legend icons while showing data for different countries. 

    Custom Legen Icon

    To customize the legend icon once you have created a chart, you must create a custom series that inherits the Series class and ISeries interface. This interface provides the GetLegendItemImageSource method that lets you access the source of legend icon and hence customize the same by setting the flag image inside the legend icon box. This walkthrough takes you through the following detailed steps to create a custom legend icon.

    Steps to create custom legend icon

    Set up the Application

    1. Create a new Windows Forms app.
    2. Drag and drop the FlexChart control from the toolbox onto the form.
      Observe: A column type chart is drawn with a default data.

    Bind the FlexChart Control to a Data Source

    1. Create a data source.
      /// <summary>
      /// Method for creating data for FlexChart
      /// </summary>
      public static List<SmartPhoneVendor> SmartPhoneVendors()
          List<SmartPhoneVendor> vendors = new List<SmartPhoneVendor>();
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Apple",
              Sales = 215.2
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Huawei",
              Sales = 139
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Lenovo",
              Sales = 50.7
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "LG",
              Sales = 55.1,
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Oppo",
              Sales = 92.5
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Samsung",
              Sales = 310.3
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Vivo",
              Sales = 71.7
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "Xiaomi",
              Sales = 61
          vendors.Add(new SmartPhoneVendor()
              Name = "ZTE",
              Sales = 61.9
          return vendors;
      ''' <summary>
      ''' Method for creating data for FlexChart
      ''' </summary>
      Public Shared Function SmartPhoneVendors() As List(Of SmartPhoneVendor)
          Dim vendors As New List(Of SmartPhoneVendor)()
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Apple",
                .Sales = 215.2
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Huawei",
                .Sales = 139
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Lenovo",
                .Sales = 50.7
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "LG",
                .Sales = 55.1
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Oppo",
                .Sales = 92.5
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Samsung",
                .Sales = 310.3
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Vivo",
                .Sales = 71.7
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "Xiaomi",
                .Sales = 61
          vendors.Add(New SmartPhoneVendor() With {
                .Name = "ZTE",
                .Sales = 61.9
          Return vendors
      End Function
    2. Bind the FlexChart to this data source by setting the DataSource property.
    3. Configure the X and Y axes by setting the BindingX and Binding property.
    4. Configure the chart by setting the ChartType and other required properties.
      //Setting FlexChart's Header 
      flexChart1.Header.Content = "Top Smartphone Vendors in USA";
      //Passing data in FlexChart
      flexChart1.DataSource = vendors;
      //Binding FlexChart's AxisX to 'Name' so vendor names appear in Horizontal axis
      flexChart1.BindingX = "Name";
      //Binding FlexChart to 'Sales' so their market share appears in Vertical axis
      flexChart1.Binding = "Sales";
      'Setting FlexChart's Header 
      flexChart1.Header.Content = "Top Smartphone Vendors in USA"
      'Passing data in FlexChart
      flexChart1.DataSource = vendors
      'Binding FlexChart's AxisX to 'Name' so vendor names appear in Horizontal axis
      flexChart1.BindingX = "Name"
      'Binding FlexChart to 'Sales' so their market share appears in Vertical axis
      flexChart1.Binding = "Sales"

    Create a Custom Series

    1. Create a series of custom type inherited from the Series class and ISeries interface. In this example, we have created a class named SeriesWithPointLegendItems.
    2. Implement the ISeries.GetLegendItemImageSource method to access the size of the legend and to draw the icon using the Graphics.DrawImage method for the legend point.
    3. You can also set the legend icon size to adjust according to the window size.
      public class SeriesWithPointLegendItems : Series, ISeries
          object ISeries.GetLegendItemImageSource(int index, ref C1.Chart._Size imageSize)
                  imageSize.Height = 80;
                  imageSize.Width = 130;
                  SmartPhoneVendor vendor = vendors.ElementAt(index);
                  Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.US);
                  Image LegendIconImage = bm;
                  if (LegendIconImage != null && LegendIconImage.Width != 130)
                      Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(130, 80);
                      using (SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
                          using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                              Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)imageSize.Width, (int)imageSize.Height);
                              using (Pen p = new Pen(sb))
                                  g.DrawRectangle(p, r);
                              g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.SkyBlue), r);
                              Point ci = new Point((int)(0.5 * Math.Abs(imageSize.Width - LegendIconImage.Width)),
                                  (int)(0.5 * Math.Abs(imageSize.Height - LegendIconImage.Height)));
                              g.DrawImage(LegendIconImage, ci);
                      LegendIconImage = bmp;
                  // Keep the original size of the logo bitmaps, but reduce their size if the chart window
                  // is too small to display the bitmaps properly.
                  Size bounds = this.Chart.ClientSize;
                  double divadj = (bounds.Height > 700) ? 5 : 11;
                  double fracHeight = bounds.Height / divadj;
                  if (fracHeight < imageSize.Height)
                      imageSize.Width = imageSize.Height = fracHeight;
                  return LegendIconImage;
      Public Class SeriesWithPointLegendItems
          Inherits Series
          Implements ISeries
          Private Function ISeries_GetLegendItemImageSource(index As Integer, ByRef imageSize As C1.Chart._Size) As Object Implements ISeries.GetLegendItemImageSource
              If True Then
                  imageSize.Height = 80
                  imageSize.Width = 130
                  Dim vendor As SmartPhoneVendor = vendors.ElementAt(index)
                  Dim bm As New Bitmap(Sample10.Resources.US)
                  Dim LegendIconImage As Image = bm
                  If LegendIconImage IsNot Nothing AndAlso LegendIconImage.Width <> 130 Then
                      Dim bmp As New Bitmap(130, 80)
                      Using sb As New SolidBrush(Color.White)
                          Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
                              Dim r As New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(Math.Truncate(imageSize.Width)), CInt(Math.Truncate(imageSize.Height)))
                              Using p As New Pen(sb)
                                  g.DrawRectangle(p, r)
                              End Using
                              g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.SkyBlue), r)
                              Dim ci As Point = New Point(CInt((0.5 * Math.Abs(imageSize.Width - LegendIconImage.Width))), CInt((0.5 * Math.Abs(imageSize.Height - LegendIconImage.Height))))
                              g.DrawImage(LegendIconImage, ci)
                          End Using
                      End Using
                      LegendIconImage = bmp
                  End If
                  ' Keep the original size of the logo bitmaps, but reduce their size if the chart window
                  ' is too small to display the bitmaps properly.
                  Dim bounds As Size = Me.Chart.ClientSize
                  Dim divadj As Double = If((bounds.Height > 700), 5, 11)
                  Dim fracHeight As Double = bounds.Height / divadj
                  If fracHeight < imageSize.Height Then
                      imageSize.Width = InlineAssignHelper(imageSize.Height, fracHeight)
                  End If
                  Return LegendIconImage
              End If
          End Function
          Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, value As T) As T
              target = value
              Return value
          End Function
      End Class

    Add the Custom Series to Series Collection

    1. Clear the default series getting displayed in the chart.
    2. Create an object of the custom series class, SeriesWithPointLegendItems in this case.
    3. Add this object to the chart Series collection using the Add method .
      //Clear the default series
      //Creating custom series that shows legends with images, filled with color and categrozied in groups
      _customSeries = new SeriesWithPointLegendItems
          Name = "Sales",
      //Adding custom series to FlexChart
      'Clear the default series
      'Creating custom series that shows legends with images, filled with color and categrozied in groups
      _customSeries = New SeriesWithPointLegendItems() With {
           .Name = "Sales"
      'Adding custom series to FlexChart

    Run the application to observe that a country flag surrounded by border of series color appears as a custom legend icon in the chart. Similarly, multiple legend icons can be customized in the case of multiple series and charts. For detailed implementation of custom legend icons, see FlexChartExplorer sample which is shipped with the control. To see this feature in action, you can also download the FlexChartExplorer demo from our website.

    See Also
