FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
VBScripting with ExpressionEditor / Compatibility Functions
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    Compatibility Functions
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    To increase compatibility with code written in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access (VBA), C1FlexReport exposes two functions that are not available in VBScript: Iif and Format.

    Iif evaluates a Boolean expression and returns one of two values depending on the result. For example:

    Iif(SalesAmount > 1000, "Yes", "No")

    Format converts a value into a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format expression. The value may be a number, Boolean, date, or string. The format is a string built using syntax similar to the format string used in Visual Basic or VBA.

    The following table describes the syntax used for the format string:

    Value Type Format String Description
    Number Percent, % Formats a number as a percentage, with zero or two decimal places. For example: Format(0.33, "Percent") = "33%"
    Format(0.3333333, "Percent") = "33.33%"
    #,###.##0 Formats a number using a mask. The following symbols are recognized: # digit placeholder 0 digit placeholder, force display , use thousand separators ( enclose negative values in parenthesis % format as percentage For example: Format(1234.1234, "#,###.##") = "1,234.12"
    Format(-1234, "#.00") = "(1234.12)"
    Format(.1234, "#.##") = ".12"
    Format(.1234, "0.##") = "0.12"
    Format(.3, "#.##%") = "30.00%"
    Currency Currency, $ Formats a number as a currency value. Displays number with thousand separator, if appropriate; displays two digits to the right of the decimal separator. For example: Format(1234, "$") = "$1,234.00"
    Boolean Yes/No Returns "Yes" or "No".
    Date Long Date Format(#12/5/1#, "long date") = "December 5, 2001"
    Short Date Format(#12/5/1#, "short date") = "12/5/2001"
    Medium Date Format(#12/5/1#, "medium date") = "05-Dec-01"
    q,m,d,w,yyyy Returns a date part (quarter, month, day of the month, week of the year, year). For example: Format(#12/5/1#, "q") = "4"
    String @@-@@/@@ Formats a string using a mask. The "@" character is a placeholder for a single character (or for the whole value string if there is a single "@"). Other characters are intercodeted as literals. For example: Format("AC55512", "@@-@@/@@") = "AC-555/12"
    Format("AC55512", "@") = "AC55512"
    @;Missing Uses the format string on the left of the semi-colon if the value is not null or an empty string, otherwise returns the part on the right of the semi-colon. For example: Format("@;Missing", "UK") = "UK"
    Format("@;Missing", "") = "Missing"

    Note that VBScript has its own built-in formatting functions (FormatNumber, FormatCurrency, FormatPercent, FormatDateTime, and so on). You may use them instead of the VBA-style Format function described here.