ComponentOne List for WinForms
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    List provides an effective way to navigate through the control, simply by using the mouse or defined keys, when required. Lets explore how the end-users can navigate through the List control.

    Keyboard Interaction

    List includes several keyboard shortcuts that can improve users' run-time interaction experience. The following table lists the supported keys and their corresponding operations.

    Key Description
    Up Moves the current  selection to the previous list item.
    Down Moves the current  selection to the next list item.
    Tab Moves focus to the next control on the form, as determined by the tab order.
    PgUp Scrolls the list up in a way that the current row becomes the first row in the display area.
    PgDn Scrolls the list down in a way that the current row becomes the last row in the display area.

    Click the Rightmost Column

    The list always displays the leftmost column (the first visible column) in its entirety. However, the rightmost column gets clipped if the dataset contains more fields than can fit in the list area. In such cases, you can control the behavior of the last partially visible column by using the PartialRightColumn property of the C1List class.

    When PartialRightColumn is set to true, the rightmost column gets clipped if the control or split is not wide enough to accommodate the entire column. However, if the property is set to false, the rightmost column do not get clipped when other columns are visible. In this case, the rightmost column must be scrolled into view.

    The following code demonstrates how to prevent clipping of the rightmost column by setting the value of PartialRightColumn to false.

    Copy Code
    c1List1.PartialRightColumn = false;

    Hot Tracking

    List supports hot tracking which makes the navigation convenient by automatically highlighting the row as the mouse pointer hovers over it. You can enable hot tracking in the List by setting HotTracking property of the C1List class to true.  Additionally, the highlight styling can be customized using HighLightRowStyle property of the C1List class.