ComponentOne List for WinForms
Split Presentation / Resize splits
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    Resize splits
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    List lets you resize horizontal and vertical splits at runtime. The following table provides a brief description about horizontal and vertical resizing in List.

    Resizing Type Description
    Vertical Resizing To resize vertical splits in the List, you can set AllowVerticalSplit property of the C1List class to true. Setting this property to true displays a split box at the top edge of the vertical scroll bar. This split box turns into a double horizontal bar with vertical arrows, when you move cursor over it. These vertical arrows can be dragged to create splits at run time.
    Horizontal Resizing To resize horizontal splits in the List, you can set AllowHorizontalSplit property of the C1List class to true. Setting this property to true displays a split box at the left edge of the horizontal scroll bar. This split box turns into a double horizontal bar with horizontal arrows, when you ,move the cursor over it. These horizontal arrows can be dragged to create splits at run time.

    The following code demonstrates how to enable horizontal resizing by setting AllowHorizontalSplit property to true.

    Copy Code
    c1List1.AllowHorizontalSplit = true;

    Similarly, you can enable vertical resizing by setting AllowVerticalSplit property to true.