ComponentOne List for WinForms
In This Topic
    Tutorial 16 – Borders, Scroll Tracking and Scroll Tips
    In This Topic

    In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the ScrollTips property and the FetchScrollTips event to provide a tip box as the user scrolls through a list. You will also learn to create borders and colored borders for each item.

    1. Create a new .NET project.
    2. Double-click the C1List icon in Visual Studio's Toolbox to add it to the Form.Note: See Adding the C1List Components to a Project for information on adding a component to the Toolbox.
    3. Add the following items to the form and situate them like they appear in the following figure:
      • C1Combo boxes (C1Combo1 - 5)
      • Two frames and set their text property to Border Size and Scrolling
      • Four Labels (Label1 - 5) and set their Text properties to Top Width, Bottom Width, Left Width, Right Width, and Border Appearance respectively
      • A Button (Button1) and set its Text property to Border Color
      • Two Checkboxes and set their text properties to ScrollTips and ScrollTracking

    4. Add a Color Dialog to the form (ColorDialog1).
    5. Go to the DataSource property for C1List and select Add Project Data Source from the drop-down. In the adapter's Data Source Configuration Wizard, either select a connection to C1NWind.mdb or create a new connection to this database. On the Choose your database objects page of the wizard, select all fields in the Customer table and type "DsCustomer" into the DataSet name box, and then finish out the wizard.
    6. Visual Studio 2005 adds the following code to the Form_Load event:

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    7. In the general section of Form1 add the following declarations:

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      Dim tb As DataTable                   
      Dim borderColor As Color                   
      Dim bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom As Integer                   
      Dim bType As C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum

      To write code in C#

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      DataTable tb;                       
      Color borderColor;                       
      int bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom;                       
      C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum bType;
    8. In the Form_Load event, add the following code:

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      tb = Me.DsCustomer.Tables(0).Copy()                          
      Me.C1List1.ItemHeight = 40
      ' Fill each combo.                            
      Me.CheckBox2.Checked = True                           
      ' Initialize the border size.                             
      bBottom = 1                           
      bTop = 1                           
      bLeft = 1                           
      bRight = 1                           
      bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.None

      To write code in C#

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      tb = this.DsCustomer.Tables[0].Copy();  
      this.c1List1.ItemHeight = 40;
      // Fill each combo.                                
      this.checkBox2.Checked = true;                               
      // Initialize the border size.                                 
      bBottom = 1;                               
      bTop = 1;                                
      bLeft = 1;                               
      bRight = 1;                               
      bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.None;
    9. Now add the functions which will fill the C1Combo boxes:

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      ' Fill each combo with numbers from 1 to 10.                                     
      Private Sub FillCombo(ByRef combo As C1.Win.C1List.C1Combo)                                   
          Dim i As Integer                                   
          combo.DataMode = C1.Win.C1List.DataModeEnum.AddItem  
          For i = 1 To 10    
          combo.Text = 1                                   
      End Sub
      Private Sub FillCombo5()                                    
          With Me.C1Combo5                                   
       .DataMode = C1.Win.C1List.DataModeEnum.AddItem  
       .SelectedIndex = 5
          End With 
      End Sub

      To write code in C#

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      // Fill each combo with numbers from 1 to 10.                                        
      private void FillCombo(C1.Win.C1List.C1Combo combo)                                        
          int i;                                       
          combo.DataMode = C1.Win.C1List.DataModeEnum.AddItem; 
          for ( i =1 ; i <= 10 ; i++)  
          combo.Text = 1;                                        
      private void FillCombo5()                                        
          this.C1Combo5..DataMode = C1.Win.C1List.DataModeEnum.AddItem; 
          this.C1Combo5.SelectedIndex = 5; 
    10. Create a handler for the Button1_Click event which sets the color of the border using the color dialog box:

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      Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click                         
          Dim result As DialogResult                                            
          result = Me.ColorDialog1.ShowDialog()                                           
          If result = DialogResult.OK Then                                            
       Me.borderColor = Me.ColorDialog1.Color                                            
       Me.Button1.BackColor = Me.borderColor                                            
          End If                                            
      End Sub

      To write code in C#

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      private void Button1_Click( System.object sender,                                                
       System.EventArgs e)                                                
          DialogResult result;                                                
          result = this.ColorDialog1.ShowDialog();                                                
          if ( result == DialogResult.OK )                                                 
       this.borderColor = this.ColorDialog1.Color;                                                
       this.Button1.BackColor = this.borderColor;                                                
    11. Include the function which updates the borders:

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      Private Sub UpdateBorder()                                                    
          If Me.C1List1.Splits(0).DisplayColumns(Me.C1List1.Col) Is Nothing Then                                                    
       Exit Sub                                                    
          End If                                              
          With Me.C1List1.Splits(0).DisplayColumns(Me.C1List1.Col).Style.Borders 
       .Color = Me.borderColor
       .BorderType = Me.bType
       .Bottom = Me.bBottom 
       .Left = Me.bLeft
       .Right = Me.bRight 
       .Top = Me.bTop
          End With  
      End Sub

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      private void UpdateBorder()
          if ( this.c1List1.Splits[0].DisplayColumns[this.c1List1.Col] == null )
          CellBorders borders = this.c1List1.Splits[0].DisplayColumns [this.c1List1.Col].Style.Borders;
          borders.Color = this.borderColor;   
          borders.BorderType = this.bType;    
          borders.Bottom = this.bBottom; 
          borders.Left = this.bLeft; 
          borders.Right = this.bRight;
          borders.Top = this.bTop;
    12. Enter code which handles changes in the C1Combo box values:

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      Private Sub C1Combo1_RowChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1Combo1.RowChange 
          Me.bTop = Me.C1Combo1.SelectedIndex + 1                                                           
      End Sub
      Private Sub C1Combo2_RowChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1Combo2.RowChange
          Me.bBottom = Me.C1Combo2.SelectedIndex + 1                                                           
      End Sub
      Private Sub C1Combo3_RowChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
      Handles C1Combo3.RowChange
          Me.bLeft = Me.C1Combo3.SelectedIndex + 1                                                            
      End Sub
      Private Sub C1Combo4_RowChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1Combo4.RowChange 
          Me.bRight = Me.C1Combo4.SelectedIndex + 1                                                           
      End Sub
      Private Sub C1Combo5_RowChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles C1Combo5.RowChange
          Select Case Me.C1Combo5.Text
       Case "Fillet" 
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Fillet 
       Case "Flat"   
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Flat 
       Case "Groove" 
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Groove 
       Case "Inset" 
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Inset
       Case "InsetBevel"
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.InsetBevel
       Case "None"   
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.None  
       Case "Raised" 
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Raised 
       Case "RaisedBevel" 
           Me.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.RaisedBevel
          End Select   
      End Sub

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      private void C1Combo1_RowChange( object sender, System.EventArgs e)                                                               
          this.bTop = this.C1Combo1.SelectedIndex + 1;                                                               
      private void C1Combo2_RowChange( object sender, System.EventArgs e)                                                                
          this.bBottom = this.C1Combo2.SelectedIndex + 1;                                                               
      private void C1Combo3_RowChange( object sender, System.EventArgs e)                                                                
          this.bLeft = this.C1Combo3.SelectedIndex + 1;                                                                
      private void C1Combo4_RowChange( object sender, System.EventArgs e)                                                                
          this.bRight = this.C1Combo4.SelectedIndex + 1;                                                               
      private void C1Combo5_RowChange( object sender, System.EventArgs e)
          switch (this.C1Combo5.Text)    {                                                               
       case "Fillet": 
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Fillet;
       case "Flat":
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Flat; 
       case "Groove": 
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Groove;
       case "Inset": 
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Inset;
       case "InsetBevel": 
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.InsetBevel;
       case "None": 
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.None;
       case "Raised": 
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.Raised;
           this.bType = C1.Win.C1List.BorderTypeEnum.RaisedBevel; 
    13. Finally, include the code which handles the checkboxes and the C1ListBase.FetchScrollTips event which sets the ToolTip box that displays when the user is scrolling:

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      Private Sub CheckBox1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.Click
      Me.C1List1.ScrollTips = Me.CheckBox1.Checked
      End Sub
      Private Sub CheckBox2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, 
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.Click
      Me.C1List1.ScrollTrack = Me.CheckBox2.Checked
      End Sub
      Private Sub C1List1_FetchScrollTips(ByVal sender As Object, 
      ByVal e As C1.Win.C1List.FetchScrollTipsEventArgs)
      Handles C1List1.FetchScrollTips
          ' Set the ScrollTip depending on which scroll bar was moved. 
      Select Case e.ScrollBar
      Case C1.Win.C1List.ScrollBarEnum.Horizontal
      e.ScrollTip = Me.C1List1.Columns(e.ColIndex).Caption
      Case C1.Win.C1List.ScrollBarEnum.Vertical
      e.ScrollTip = "Record: " & CStr(e.Row + 1) & " of " &
      CStr(Me.C1List1.ListCount) & vbCrLf & "Company: " &
      Me.tb.Rows(e.Row).Item("Company") & vbCrLf &
      "User Code: " & Me.tb.Rows(e.Row).Item("UserCode")
      End Select
      e.TipStyle.ForeColor = Color.Blue
      End Sub

      To write code in C#

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      private void CheckBox1_Click( object sender,
      System.EventArgs e)
      this.c1List1.ScrollTips = this.CheckBox1.Checked;

      private void CheckBox2_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      this.c1List1.ScrollTrack = this.CheckBox2.Checked;

      private void C1List1_FetchScrollTips( object sender, C1.Win.C1List.FetchScrollTipsEventArgs e)
      // Set the ScrollTip depending on which scroll bar was moved.
      switch (e.ScrollBar)
      case C1.Win.C1List.ScrollBarEnum.Horizontal;
      e.ScrollTip = this.c1List1.Columns[e.ColIndex].Caption;
      case C1.Win.C1List.ScrollBarEnum.Vertical;
      e.ScrollTip = "Record: " + (e.Row + 1) + " of " + this.c1List1.ListCount_ +
      + "\n" + "\nCompany: " + this.tb.Rows[e.Row].["Company"] + "\n" +
      "User Code: " + this.tb.Rows[e.Row].["UserCode"];
      e.TipStyle.ForeColor = Color.Blue;

    Run the program and observe the following:

    This concludes the tutorial.